I’ve been inspired by many people and many things over the last two years of dipping my toes into this online community.

One of the things that has piqued my interest and inspired me the most is photography.  I’ve always had a passion for photography, but never had an outlet or a place to learn.  Women like Lotus, Mishi, Angella, Pauline, Lori, Casey and Amy and Angie.. I am in awe of them and from them, I will learn and  draw inspiration.

One of my challenges for myself for 2010 is to jump on the bandwagon and do the Project 365.

I will challenge myself to take many pictures everyday.. to seek out that which draws my eye, whether it’s beautiful, tragic, forlorn, soulful or just awe inspiring.  I will post these pictures sometimes here, but always, every day on my 365 Flickr Set..

Here are my first Six Pictures of 2010

Blackeyed Peas (Soaked)

Day 1/365

See You Later Alligator

Day 2/365

Everything That Glitters..

Day 3/365

Ready To Ride

Day 4/365

Nate’s Hand On The Wood Lathe

Day 5/365

Father and Son

Day 6/365

You can follow my 365 Flickr Stream Here

I’d love to know what inspires you.

Or, if you’re a photographer, love taking pictures and/or have done 365.. any tips, advice, hints, photography suggestions.. I’d love them!


  1. Go Rachel! I did project 366 in 2008 (it was a leap year!) and although I missed a few days here and there, the result was an amazing photo document of the year.

    If nothing else, project 365 will require you to take your camera everywhere and start opening your eyes a bit more to the world around you. Have fun!
    .-= Tara Anderson´s last blog ..Best of 2009: Challenge =-.

  2. Is it weird the black eyed peas pic is my favorite? Mmmm I can smell ’em cooking now! Can’t wait to see more pics!
    .-= Brittany´s last blog ..I’m Brittany =-.

  3. Check you out!! Those photos are fabulous and I have no doubt that your photographic abilities will improve tremendously to pro in no time!

    I forgot all about this project. Is it too late for me to start? And thank you for the mention sweets (blushing). Your tonguegasmic food inspires me. And your sweetness. 🙂
    .-= Lori (A Cowboy’s Wife)´s last blog ..The Hole in My Heart =-.

  4. Your pics are gorgeous. I’m thinking of doing it but I’m afraid I’d last a month. The amazing Lotus and adorable Braden are coming over to my house Saturday (you are jealous, right?) and I might ask her about it. Maybe she’ll say – GOD don’t even make yourself that crazy! – and I’ll be off the hook. heh.
    .-= amy2boys´s last blog ..A Resolve =-.

  5. I’m six pictures into my 365 project as well. What will today’s photo be??

    I look forward to seeing yours.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s last blog ..The grocery list of a five-year-old boy =-.

  6. I love this challenge. And I enjoyed the pics! Admist your inspiration, you’re making some awesome memories.
    .-= Yum Yucky´s last blog ..Plank-busters, baby! =-.

  7. These are just lovely! I’m so excited you’re doing Project 365. Since getting my new camera for Christmas, I’ve contemplated on jumping on the bandwagon as well 🙂
    .-= Momisodes´s last blog ..Refracting =-.

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