Hurricane Season

In honor of the official First Day of Hurricane Season and Southern Spirit, I’m re-posting The Cone of Uncertainty, one of my favorite posts.  It’s a tribute to all who live in this beautiful, yet dangerous area and to all who’ve been affected by Natural Disasters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Southern is more than geography, it’s a…

Tiny Drops of Hope

Tiny Drops of Hope

I ran to snap this picture after a brief bit of ran the other day.  We are in a D4 level drought.  They’re calling it an exceptional drought.  Exceptional has such positive connotations, I would call it a devastating drought. We have had a shade over 1″ of rain in 2009.  Everything is dying, brown…

I Don’t Like Ike

I Don’t Like Ike

I had this whole post planned for today. It was all about how excited I am to go have a chick flick night with my friend on Friday. I never get to see the movies in the theater. The last one I saw in a theater was Transformers. I have two tickets to go see…

They Slide, They Bounce and She Speaks: Haiku Friday
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They Slide, They Bounce and She Speaks: Haiku Friday

A bouncing Monkeylittle feet slipping, slidingToddler nirvana [youtube=] In College Station there’s this fabulous place called ‘The Bounce’. It is 12,500 square feet of Bounce Houses and Inflatable Slides and Rock Walls. In other words, kid Heaven. If you happen to be in that area… Monkey and Princess and I give it a HUGE thumbs…

I fought the yard, and I won

I fought the yard, and I won

So the fabulous ladies over at 5 Minutes For Mom host this terrific meme movement every Tuesday called Tackle It Tuesday. I’ve never participated before, and I thought this week was the perfect time to start.I tackled (with hubby’s help) our backyard this past Friday.The Weeds, the overgrown grass, the spiderwebs and lots of dead…