Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

A Little Corny       I Love World Market     Featured in The Record Star taken with instagram iphone app   Texas Celebration at HEB taken with instagram iphone app       Early     More Weekly Winners can be found at Lotus’ lovely lair  

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Joy Spiced Bananas Sliced Bananas Yes, Please The Obligatory Bathroom Shot Love Birds by Maile’s iPhone Today, I win. I am posting my weekly winners while sitting at Maile’s breakfast table watching our 5 kids play and our husbands drink coffee and laugh and talk while Maile makes us breakfast.  This, is happiness.

Finding Joy

Finding Joy

My children remind me what pure joy is. They stop me in my tracks and help me to remember that joy is found in our every day lives. I am reminded that it is my choice, to find joy or miss it because I’m too focused on what’s next. I hope you find your joy…

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Corpus Christi got an icing this week, they’re calling it the most significant arctic blast in Corpus Christi’s history. Ice Dancing Ice-erpillar Do you see a frog?* No Fish For You A Crack in The Door Still uploading my BlissDom pictures — you can find them here Go visit one of my favorite people, Lotus,…



Nature’s dishes left* behind for curious minds to stumble upon Imaginations left to soar and wonder at what party they missed * do you see them? ** my stomach virus suffering children informed me those are fairies throw-up bowls *** 2 hours of sleep due to sick children means crazy random haikus from me, to…

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Baby It’s Cold Outside Pure Joy It’s a Family Tradition Cheers Happy 2011, y’all! I hope 2011 brings each of you joy, love, laughter, friendship, peace, happiness and blessings beyond measure. ***iPhoto is still killing me. If anyone is a Mac guru or knows anything about iPhoto and recovery etc… I’d love some help!  Yesterday…