

I often get asked why I have my camera bag with me wherever we go… Sometimes it’s to capture a memory that I didn’t even know was going to be made Sometimes it’s to capture the beauty of nature in unexpected ways Sometimes it’s to simply capture a moment But mostly… It’s because sometimes… there…

A Face Only A Mother (or Nathan) Could Love: Weekly Winners

A Face Only A Mother (or Nathan) Could Love: Weekly Winners

Only A Mother Could Love This Face Or Nathan Meet Adrian, Nathan’s Father’s Day Present. A 2 year old Female American Mastiff with an underbite that rivals Bluto from Labyrinth Tomatillos are Tonguegasmic A Day of Fishing Fishing is SO exhausting More Weekly Winners can be found at the Awesome Eye Candiest Blog around, Sarcastic…

A Painted Monkey

A Painted Monkey

I only have one picture for my Weekly Winners this week.  That means I need to get my camera out more next week. I loved the look of concentration on his face and the fact that he’d painted more on his face than on his stick 😉 ************************************************************************************************************************ I was nominated for a Social Luxe…

Caps, Cookies and Flowers

Caps, Cookies and Flowers

All things found at Pre-School Graduations. That’s right, Princess has graduated Pre-School and will be a full fledged Kindergartner come August. *sigh* This week’s Weekly Winners are in collage form because I’m addicted to Picnik and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Some Fun and Some Sweets at Graduation Plumerias After The…

Tiny Drops of Hope

Tiny Drops of Hope

I ran to snap this picture after a brief bit of ran the other day.  We are in a D4 level drought.  They’re calling it an exceptional drought.  Exceptional has such positive connotations, I would call it a devastating drought. We have had a shade over 1″ of rain in 2009.  Everything is dying, brown…