Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Flowers in Wonderland Tower of Pink Deliciousness Flying High Beach Bunny Monkey Baby Bump Real Life is More Beautiful than Posed My favorite pictures of the week are linked to the amazing Lotus’ Weekly Winners Inspirational Photography Sharing Sunday Meme * more of my pics can be seen in my flickr stream

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The Botanical Gardens, her own personal Wonderland. A place where she can frolic among butterflies where  flowers don’t always look like flowers where beauty is not defined by magazines, but by what catches your eye and pauses your heart and you never know what will be around the next corner

A Moment

A Moment

She’s my little girl. My kindergartner. It’s only been a blink, a mere 6 years of flashing blue eyes and heart capturing giggles. Her pink freckled cheeks still clinging to the softness of childhood. Her blue eyes that still light up when Daddy walks in. Balancing on the precipice. She’s still my little girl. And…