Lunchbox Love

Lunchbox Love

 How do you master the lunchbox?  Do you pack lunches a week at a time, do you include notes, sandwiches cut in fun shapes? One of my lunchbox traditions is to write a note on a napkin or paper towel and put it into the kids’ lunch boxes every day.  Some days it’s a drawing,…

Who Me?

This is the face of a little boy that snuck in and started eating the cornbread I was photographing when my back was turned… It’s really hard to get mad at that face.

Ogres are Like Onions

  I love the Shrek movies and I love Onions. I go through a good dozen onions a week, red and yellow and white… I love onions. I’ve been known to caramelize onions in butter just for the smell. It’s comin’ up on slow cooker season and I have just made the most amazing slow…