

I remember the first time that I laid out clothes for you. They were size Newborn and you were still safely nestled in my womb. I remember the first time that I dressed you for a big occasion in special clothes, you were two weeks old and they were pictures with Santa. It boggles my…

Dear 31

Dear 31, The last few minutes of 30 here.  Can we chat? I had big expectations for 30.  It was no big deal to hit a new decade… and yet, I had ideas.  I thought, this would be it!  That something! That BIG THING!  It would happen this year. Well, it didn’t. I had heartache,…

Potty Talk

Potty Talk

Do y’all remember when I told y’all how excited Monkey was to go on the “potty train”? No? Go refresh your memories.. I’ll wait. The Potty Train(ing) has been a spectacular, dare I say, monumental failure. He has no desire to ride the potty train, none whatsoever. sigh We are still rockin’ the diapers. Well…



I often get asked why I have my camera bag with me wherever we go… Sometimes it’s to capture a memory that I didn’t even know was going to be made Sometimes it’s to capture the beauty of nature in unexpected ways Sometimes it’s to simply capture a moment But mostly… It’s because sometimes… there…