

NINE!  How are you already nine years old? It was just a minute ago that you were a tee-tiny little newborn nestled in my arms. From the moment you entered this world, you made yourself known.  Even though you were only 6 lbs, you were already a force to be reckoned with.



Happy Seventh Birthday Monkey.   Happy Birthday to the boy who completed our family, the one who brings us such joy, laughter, tears, exhaustion, and happiness. Our lives are better because you are in them. You are exuberance.  You are childhood joy.  You are a whirling dervish with a heart bigger than Texas. You’re a…

A Ninja Named Jack

Monkey got his first black eye. {everyone all together now… awww poor Monkey} When I asked how he got it  he told me he wasn’t sure, but thought he dove into something in the pool. He immediately followed this up with: “But Mom, if anyone asks tell them a ninja named Jack took me down”…

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Six S-I-X How is that possible? Even as I type the words, I can’t believe it. Even after you came barreling into my bedroom this morning at 4:45AM (thank-you-very-much) screaming – “It’s my birthday!!! I’m SIX TODAY!”   I still can’t believe that it’s been six years since I first held you in my arms….


Ready, Set, Milestone

Weren’t we just moving you into a big boy bed? and now. You’re growing, changing, moving faster than my heart. Ready. (wait, let me get my camera) Set (hold on, let me change my settings) Be.  Still.  My.  Heart. No Training Wheels Bike vs. Neighbor’s Brush Guard aka Thank God For Helmets Even at 5,…



4 year old Monkey to his 7 year old Sister:   “Wouldn’t it be AWESOME if there were Pop Rocks seeds and we could GROW our own Pop Rocks plants!”     Just yes son — YES.   linked to Angry Julie

Hey Pitcher

Hey Pitcher

Hey Pitcher, Look at Me   I’m a Monkey in a Tree     It’s kickball time here in Corpus again and that means it’s time for Monkey’s favorite cheer/chant to weasel its way back into our lives. He walks around monk style chanting it all the time. le sigh Today, while climbing this tree,…

Four Years

Four Years

It’s a mere blip and an eternity. Four years ago, right now.. 11:04 PM September 19th, 2006 I was flirting with sleep. We admitted ourselves (me) to the L&D unit to be induced. Pitocin on board, I sent your dad to Wendy’s because I was starvin’ and that sounded sooo good.  (silly me, I assumed…