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I have been known on occasion to take pee-tchas of my kiddos. Especially Monkey because well… He just makes for good picture material 😉 So it should come as no surprise that both of my kids are camera crazy, just like their mom. They will both pick up anything that even vaguely resembles a camera…

Dear Santa, I Believe

Dear Santa, I Believe

Have you and your kids written your Santa letters yet? Have y’all mailed them? There are some very special Santa Mailboxes this Christmas Season that will enable your Dear Santa letters to be more magical than ever before. The mailbox at your local Macy’s Department Store. Macy’s is really showing the Christmas Spirit this season…

A Giveaway Boob-nanza

A Giveaway Boob-nanza

That’s right. It’s a boobtastic giveaway. It’s all about the Bewbs, Ta Tas, the Rack, The Glamorous Mammaries, The Mam Twins, The Girls, The Lovelies, you know… So as y’all may know I have those ads over there, you know… …..>>>> those. I don’t make much off them. A pittance every couple of months to…

Notes From a Garage Sale

Notes From a Garage Sale

We interrupt the regularly scheduled Mouthwatering Monday to bring you some notes from a Garage Sale. Dear Garage Sale attendees: * It is considered rude, tacky and unbelievably obnoxious to ring a person’s doorbell at 8PM two nights before the actual sale to ask for a preview. * It is tasteless, obnoxious and terribly inconsiderate…

Sh*t Torts and Courcans

Sh*t Torts and Courcans

We haven’t had any Southern Tidbits in a while, so I thought I’d share a few from the past week. ***************************************************************************************Monkey comes running into the room: Monkey: “Sh*t, Torts*” Me: “Yes, those are your shirt and shorts, do you want to get dressed?”************************************************************************************* Princess: “Mom, can I call you a moron?” Me: …************************************************************************************* I’m painting…