Be The Good with Wendy’s

Be The Good with Wendy’s

You have the power to fill hearts with love through Wendy’s® #Share4Adoption campaign. The next time you and your family visit Wendy’s, complete the heart campaign; every original share of your Complete the Heart picture with the #Share4Adoption tag donates $5 to the Dave Thomas Adoption Foundation between now and 10/31/2016

Mother’s Day Smiles with a Logitech #LogiSmiles Giveaway

Mother’s Day Smiles with a Logitech #LogiSmiles Giveaway

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend, y’all! Huge Thank you to Logitech #logismiles for sponsoring this post and giveaway valued at $445! As part of this Marvelous Techtastic Mother’s Day giveaway, Logitech asked me to share what about being a Mother makes me smile.  These faces   Their joy for life… Their personalities… Getting to be a part of…