Virtual Soup Swap

Virtual Soup Swap

Y’all. Y’ALL!!! The smell in my house is beyond dee-vine, right now.  It’s 11 PM and I have a Steak and Potato Soup simmering in one pot and Bean and Bacon soup simmering in the other.  I could eat my kitchen right this minute. THAT — is bean and bacon soup that is about to…



One week from today, I’m hosting a Soup Swap at my house. One week from today, people will come to my house to enjoy food and friends and to donate to the Corpus Christi Food Bank. One week from today, these people will come to my house bearing quarts of soup chicken tortilla soup Thanks…

De Lurk Yourself

De Lurk Yourself

Yes, You! and You! and oh yes, YOU! I see you back there, hiding in your reader, scrolling via phone, reading on Facebook .. well, today, I’m talking to you! Do you know what today is? It is National Delurker Day. See, it even has it’s own graphic and everything. Thanks to RudeCactus for the…

Chorizo Queso
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Chorizo Queso

[donotprint]Football and Texans — We go together like Friday Nights and Football or Hot Caramel and Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream or Velveeta and Ro*Tel. Even though we’re from Texas, my husband is a MAJOR Colts Fan Casey even went to the stadium last year to get him a T-shirt after they won the Superbowl, she…