Grillin’ Time

Slip and Slides Sprinklers Barbecue Pits Mosquito Spray Friends Laughter Food Longer Days All some of my favorite things about summer. We spend a lot of time around our Barbecue Pits during the summer. (yes, pits — what?  You don’t have 3 barbecue pits in your backyard?) Backyard summer memories are some of my favorites…

All I Ask of You

My post for today has been re-scheduled. Because Katy wrote this post, this post that made me cry. This post that made me remember my cousin Sarah. This post that You. Must. Read. This is the post to forward, to Facebook, to E-mail, to Tweet. You so readily forward ridiculous emails about luck and false…

A Big Bowl of Summer

Freshly washed blueberries Freshly washed crisp, juicy blueberries ready and waiting to be popped into my mouth, tossed in a smoothie, placed onto a salad or dropped into or on top of fluffy hot pancakes. I really dont’ think that you can go wrong with one of a big bowl of fresh blueberries next to…

Hillbilly Chic

It seems like Princess is growing by leaps and bounds. A phrase that I didn’t quite *get* until I went from buying size 6 to size 8 in the span of two weeks. It seems as if every time that I turn around — a pair of shorts is too short, a shirt is too…



I blame Flinger for my iPhone addiction. Sitting next to her on the way home from BlissDom in 2009 her iPhone sang its siren song to me — it taunted my blackberry — I was hooked. I loved my precious. I discovered apps, Words With Friends and Angry Birds For Christmas this past year —…

Droppin’ A Bomb

Droppin’ A Bomb

A Love Bomb Sometimes in life you’re lucky enough to meet someone who truly inspires you. Because of this amazing community of people that I’ve met through my computer — I’ve been lucky enough to meet more than I can count on one hand. Way back in my first year of blogging, I met Katie…