All things found at Pre-School Graduations.
That’s right, Princess has graduated Pre-School and will be a full fledged Kindergartner come August. *sigh*

This week’s Weekly Winners are in collage form because I’m addicted to Picnik and it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Some Fun and Some Sweets at Graduation


Plumerias After The Storm


Remember yesterday when I wrote about the drought and our desperate need for rain.  Boy Howdy did we get it in spades!

About 20 minutes after that post went up, we got hail, rain, thunder, lightning and 60mph winds for well over an hour.  Our patio flooded, the kiddie pools overflowed and the streets became rivers of fast rushing waters.

It was glorious!

Now if we could only have a few more days of rain, we’d be in much better shape, however, as my Dad keeps telling me: “Be Careful what you wish for”  We are on the Coast and Hurricane Season starts next week.

Jump over to Lotus’ and see the other Weekly Winners Participants


  1. Flowers with raindroplets always catch my eye. Great photos!

    Nik’s latest brilianceWeekly Winners 11

  2. Awwww… congrats to your beautiful girl!! And those flowers are GORGEOUS.. just like you!!!

    Secret Agent Mama’s latest brilianceWeekly Winners LXXIX

  3. Oh these are great – I love the first set. 🙂

    Thanks for visiting my WW!

    Marylin’s latest brilianceWeekly Winners

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