birthdaybutton give back

These are a few of my favorite things…..

Y’all are all aware that I’m a bit photography obsessed, I adore taking pictures and sharing them.

I have admitted, though, that I’m rather lax in printing those pictures to put around my house 🙁

I fully believe that there’s no better decoration for a home than the faces of the loved ones who live there and in our hearts.

A few months ago, the wonderful people at Canvas Press gave me the opportunity to review their canvas prints and offer a giveaway.

When my Canvas arrived, I fell head over heels in love



I could not have been happier with it!  I currently have several photos sitting in a shopping cart waiting to be ordered, I want one in every room of the house.

Jenn, who won the Canvas Press giveaway fell head over heels in love with her Canvas and the people at Canvas Press, just as I did. (you should go see hers, it’s stunning)

Here’s a little about them:

Canvas Press is a company with a small, family-feel. Yet, we have a reach and customer-following that extends around the globe. We are built on a passion for fine art and an exceptional product that exceeds all expectations. The treasure that arrives to your door is an investment that will amaze you and possibly re-inspire your entire décor. That is the powerful effect of art, especially art that you helped to create.

I am SO SO SO giddily-happily-ecstatic to announce that the fabulously generous people at Canvas Press in honoring of Rachel and Chicky’s Birthday Give Back Party, are giving one of y’all



A 16X20 Gallery Wrap Canvas of your VERY OWN!!!!

That’s right, your favorite photograph will be turned into a gorgeous-amazing-eye catching-conversation starting Gallery Wrap Canvas of your very own!!

::insert swoon here::

How To Enter:  Remember!  EACH entry must be left in its OWN separate comment to be a valid and eligible entry!


  • in a comment tell me what picture you would turn into a gallery wrap canvas and why


  • Tweet this giveaway and leave the Tweet URL in a separate comment
  • Facebook this giveaway and leave the FB URL in a separate comment

This giveaway open from August 5, 2011 to 11:59 PM CST August 7, 2011

Don’t forget to go visit Chicky, she’s hosting a Red Letter Words Giveaway today!


  1. A picture that I recently found of my younger brother and sister sitting together as adults. Not so unusual, you may think, but both of these sibs have died within the last three years-before they ever reached 50 years. There exists NO picture of all of us together as adults.

    Sister died very unexpectedly three summers ago in Moscow Russia and we buried her in OK the first week of August when the temps were over 100F at midnight. Brother just two months ago of a massive MI that took him down the day before his 48th birthday.

    The missing cuts so deeply, I never could have guessed it would be this bad and for so long or have Teri compounded by Tony just three years later.

    I would have them forever on my wall in a medium that may last as long as I do.

  2. I would choose of my family. I dont have any thing in canvas and would love to put something over our fireplace mantel.

  3. I would choose a picture that was taken of my family downtown Indianapolis by the canal. I’ve wanted to order one of the canvas prints for awhile! Great giveaway! 🙂

  4. A picture of the kids that I took at the family reunion this year – it’s rare to have them all in the same place at the same time.

  5. A pic of my kids from a couple of years ago walking hand in hand away from me. They were 2 and 4 at the time and I LOVE the picture!

  6. I would probably have one of the pictures of my boys playing at the park this spring printed on canvas. Although I have some really pretty landscape photos that would look great too.

  7. i would love to have my family picture on the canvas because family is so important in my life.

  8. I am due next month and would love a huge canvas portrait of my family once baby arrives!

  9. Our kids had our wedding photo done as a rolled canvas for our anniversary. I would love one of them turned into a canvas portrait.

  10. There is an awesome picture of my youngest son that a friend of mine took. I would love to have that on a canvas.

  11. I would love a canvas of my 2 kids – one isn’t due for another month, but I’m hoping to catch some great shots with my 18 month old and newborn once the baby is born.

  12. I have a great picture of my daughter Arianna, my fiance’ Ryan and I in Germany. We are so happy and the smiles prove it. We were blessed with a wonderful trip and I want to capture that happiness on one of their great canvas’.

    Thank you Rachel!

  13. I just got great family portraits done in June for the 1st time EVER! I would love to use my favorite portrait!

  14. I have a picture of my heart and soul – my son and daughter!! I’ve been wanting a canvas print! Thank you!

  15. I would pick the last family picture we took, which was before we took my husband to the airport to return to Afghanistan on his R&R. My son is wearing his ACUs and matching daddy. I think it’s a really sweet picture! 🙂

  16. A picture of my daughter and her best friend looking out at the water in New Zealand. Though they are 25 now, it reminds me of when they were young. They still stand the same way.

  17. I have a picture of me pregnant with my last baby, with my older 3 kids hands on my belly, its just a belly shot with the kids hands… I love it!

  18. I have several canvases, but I need one of my babies together…before the oldest leaves for college next week…sob…

  19. oh i have the perfect shot and i keep meaning to do this….it is a shot of my younger daughter when she is 2 and it is the back of her walking towards the ocean …..she has a sundress and a hat on ……..

  20. I would choose a picture that I have of my 4 babies. I took it shortly after Elliott was born, and I love it so much.

  21. I have a gorgeous picture of my toddler triplets on the beach during our vacation from two weeks ago and I would love to make it into a canvas!!

  22. I have a picture of my dad and my grandson dressed as cowboys. My dad is 85 and little Braeden is 4. It is a delightful picture and a treasured memory.

  23. I would pick a recent photo of my sweet nephew — he’s in the pool and his gorgeous blue eyes are shining up at his daddy who took the photo.

  24. I would choose a pic of my grandbaby for sure. I’m just not sure which one because I have so many.

  25. I would get a canvas of my daughters 1st birthday picture, because its a day i want to remember forever

  26. My to be married daughter and her fiance plus their dog Jack, the wonderful weimaraner and Jonas the spectacular fetching cat!

  27. A picture of my family for our living room! We don’t have many decorations and live far from where we call home! My husband is military!

  28. Most of my photos my daughter has taken for me. Any pic I’d choose would be full of passion and genuine love that she puts into every photo she takes. A very special gift fom Heaven above. I love sharing this with everyone. Thats what I do best! =) Thank you for listening.

  29. I’ve always wanted to get one of my pictures as a canvas, so this would be an awesome opritunity! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. How nice is that! I wold probably have a picture of the boys at the ranch made into a canas picture. I’ve heard a lot about the company and everyone seems to love their work.

  31. I would definitely use a pic of me, my sisters brother-in-law and husband to put in canvas. Its my fav family photo and deserves to be in the spotlight!

  32. I want a wrap of all three of my kids. I found the perfect photo for one daughter and had it made. Now I need two more. Well, have the perfect photo for my other daughter…just need a wrap for it.
    just in case you want to take a look.

  33. I would choose a picture of my two girls on the beach during our last vacation in June.

  34. I love how those turned out! I would print pictures from the beach to hang in my bedroom to make me calm and happy.

  35. A good friend of mine recently lost her beloved chocolate lab. I would love to get a canvas made from one of her favorite pictures of him. Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. I would definitely use of our wedding pictures. Having gotten married in Walt Disney World all of our pictures are canvas worthy!

  37. I’d have to use either the family photo or the one of just my sister and I…both taken after my sister’s college graduation. My parents are celebrating their 30th anniversary soon and this would be a great gift for them!

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