I love taking pictures.

Canvas Press Gallery Wrap

I love to capture life’s little moments – the joy, the pain, the laughter, the love, the tears, the silliness, the beauty.

Sadly, I’m terrible about getting those photographs off of my laptop and onto my walls.

I’ve drooled over Gallery Wrapped Canvases but, I have never bought one.ย  I don’t know if it’s because I wasn’t sure which picture to choose, or which company to use or just because it seemed like such an investment that I was afraid to make the wrong decision….

Canvas Press Gallery Wrap Portrait

Well, this year, the internet and BlissDom and @Elainea led me to @DustinMeyer with Canvas Press who, as it turns out is not only an amazing photographer but, we went to High School together! {Go Warriors!}

Dustin and I connected via Twitter and tweeted back and forth for a few days talking about life and small worlds and photography.ย  Then, one morning, he contacted me about my own photography and blog and asked if I’d like to work with Canvas Press on a review and giveaway.

It took about 1.2 seconds for me to say yes.

It then took me about a week to pick the photograph – even though I ended up choosing the first photograph that leaped to mind when he asked.


I have decision making anxiety sometimes ๐Ÿ™‚

The ordering and uploading process was really simple and the turnaround on my Canvas was days.ย  NOT weeks –DAYS.ย  Color me impressed.

When it arrived — my breath was stolen from me.


It is gorgeous, beyond my expectations.


I can feel the sea breeze, taste the salt, smell the brine and feel the waning warmth of the setting sun — the canvas is in a word – breathtaking.

I emailed Dustin immediately and told him that I blamed him directly for my new addiction.

I have TEN photographs in line to be made into Gallery Wraps by Canvas Press, they are worth every penny and my walls will never be more beautiful than when they are decorated with the beautifully wrapped images of my family.

Canvas Press has generously offered one of my readers the chance to win a 16X20 1.5 inch Gallery Wrap Canvas of their own!!!ย 

{feel free to squee}

Want to win?

  • MANDATORY: leave a comment telling me about the photograph you’d choose if you won and why.
  • BONUS:ย  Tweet this giveaway and leave the tweet URL in a separate comment
  • BONUS:ย  *like* Canvas Press on FB and tell them A Southern Fairytale sent you — leave this in a separate comment

This giveaway is open from 9:30PM CST 3/7/2011 until 10PM CST on Friday, 3/11/2011.ย  I will use Comment Contest Plug-In to choose the winner.ย  They will have 48 hours to get back to me or another winner will be chosen.

NOW — because not everyone can win, and because the people at Canvas Press are serious Rockstars.ย  They have generously offered a 10% coupon code to all my readers.ย  Just enter FAIRY10 at checkout to get your discount! (expires 4/15/2011)


Congratulations to our winner — JennHeffer:

Comment Contest โ€น A Southern Fairytale


  1. GORgeous. That turned out SO well. And yep, definitely the perfect picture. So glad you took my advice ๐Ÿ˜‰

    The photo I would choose you’ve seen already. It’s a picture of Little Miss jumping into a pile of leaves last fall that somehow has the magic of sunlight glowing around her perfectly. The smile, the light, the colors – they are magic. Pure magic. And I need to get it off my laptop. Badly.

  2. In November we moved out of the suburbs & back into the city of Boulder, letting go of all hesitations & making our dream come true. There’s an iconic spot in Boukder that has the mtns in the background where we had our girls’ portraits taken when we moved back. I would love a canvas print of that photo b/c it will always symbolize the beauty of believing in your dreams to me.

  3. I actually have just decided yesterday between 2 pictures which one I’m going to order on canvas, so winning one would be even better!!! The picture is of my 3 year old and her gorgeous curly brown hair, she’s lying down and has no shirt on… laying on her is her 3 month old baby sister. It’s just breath taking and definitely canvas worthy.

  4. the photo I’d pick?

    My daughter’s second birthday.

    I got a perfect photo of her curls and her walking on the grass with an adorable outfit.

  5. The picture you picked is awesome. If I won a free canvas, I would probably pick either one of my engagement or wedding pictures-we never got anything special; either that or one of my favorite pictures of all three of my kids ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I would pick a photo of my two girls together. We had a photo shoot done when my youngest was a week old and the photos are so sweet I would love a gallery wrapped canvas of one.

  7. I would choose a photo of my handsome little 9 month old boy. My goal is to do a wall of canvas art in his nursery! I heart canvas art!

  8. I’d like to say it is pregnancy that is making me unable to make a decision on photos, but I know better. My favorite photo would be one of my husband and my daughter at the beach, but he’s dressed as Santa so that might not be the best year round!

  9. Ohhhhhh, I’ve been wanting to get one of these done! There’s a huge gaping space in my son’s room that is just crying for a picture of him as Spiderman to go there. Help!

  10. Oooh! I have been drooling over these for a long time. The hard part would be choosing just one photo. I know I’ll become addicted.

  11. I’d chose this photo of my daughter I snapped quickly last year. Of all places, I took it at an indoor hotel pool when my daughter was about 16 months old. It’s a close up and she’s squealing and of all the times we’ve had her ‘professionally’ photograhped, it’s this candid photo that is the most “her.” Funny how that works, isn’t it?

  12. What a great picture! I would definitely use a picture of my son which I captured on an overcast day but his blue eyes are just shining through the picture

  13. I think I’d actually want some new family pictures taken for a canvass wrap. I’m really leaning towards buying a better camera so that more pictures that I take could be blown up and look great.

  14. Want.
    It’s mine.

    I have a photo of my girls that would be perfect for the wrapped canvas.

    Now, hand it over.

  15. Being a pilot…I’m sure it will be one of the gazillion pictures of airplanes I’ve taken over the past several years. I just can’t help myself. I like airplanes. Any wall looks better with airplanes!

    But that might be just me…

  16. Oh dear – if I don’t know which photo I would pick, does my entry still count? I have decision-making anxiety, too!

  17. This is gorgeous!!! I would have to take a picture because I want one of all the grandbabies! Thanks for a chance to win.

  18. I have a lovely shot of my folks taken during Christmas 09 that brings a smile to my face everytime I see it. Given that mom is going through some psychological battles right now, and also given that Daddy just re-beat cancer after 14 yrs of remission.. the pic reminds me of happier and more carefree times ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. This is the best picture of 2 of my girls and the first time they really wanted me to do their photos for them. They were in such good humor laughing and smiling the whole time oh how I love them. not sure which one I will do this one http://www.facebook.com/album.php?id=1704988565&aid=33750#!/photo.php?fbid=1297471572609&set=a.1285944004427.33750.1704988565&theater or this one http://www.facebook.com/album.php?id=1704988565&aid=33750#!/photo.php?fbid=1285944324435&set=a.1285944004427.33750.1704988565&theater
    here is the tweet link http://tweetmeme.com/popup/tweet?url_id=4286781993

  20. I would choose a photo my little brother took of his newborn daughter. She’s wearing a pink bow on her head and lying on a soft pink blanket in a big wooden bowl on the floor. It’s the sweetest photo and perfect for a big wrapped canvas like that. ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. I would choose one of my kids watching the sun set in Aruba. Or maybe the one from my wedding that everyone things came with the small frame it is in. Ooo…decisions, decisions.

  22. I have a picture of my son with my dad on the beach, facing away from us looking at the water. Since my dad is my boy’s favorite person ever, I would love to have this picture up in my house.

  23. I would to choose between several pictures of my sons. I have 3 that really captures their relationaship over the years. It would be hard to narrow it down to just one!

  24. That pic just took my breath away! B E A U T I F U L!! I immediately thought of the pic I would use if I was the lucky winner. I have a breath taking pic of my 2 kids sitting on the beach and looking out to the ocean. Best pic I have of my babies.

    Thanks for such an inspirational post, glad I stumbled upon you (somehow?)


  25. Oh gosh your picture is so beautiful! I have a pic from my honeymoon in D.C. that I would like to put on a canvas! This would make my year if I won ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. my daughter’s cheer team had a team builder earlier this year where the coach and the girls created a complex web with yarn in the school colors. when they were done, he wrapped the yarn around each of their wrists — and they have worn that yarn bracelet ever since. i have a photo of the girls’ hands/wrists — together in a circle. the coach completely flipped when he saw the photo. the girls want to give him this photo in canvas as a coach’s gift at the end of the school year.

    *that’s* what i would do if i won this giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. I would LOVE to win this. I am a HUGE fan of wrapped canvas. Sadly, I only have one on my wall right now. I would choose a beautiful scenic picture taken wither by myself or my husband. Probably from one of our camping trips. I would love to have the memory there in such livliness. ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. We just moved into a new house. We talked the other night about framing a few photos from our trip to Colorado. We visited a historic site there, in the middle of the woods (seriously you hike to it, not drive) and I would dearly love to hang that one in our sitting room.

  29. I have lots of pictures of my kids swimming in the river. The beauty of the landscape and their happy faces make them treasured photos.

  30. Oh, your photo turned out so perfect!

    I have a photo of my kids from our vacation to the coast last summer that I would love to have as a canvas. it was my son’s first trip to the ocean.

  31. I have a photo from our summer vacation in Florida, the boys are playing in the sugar white sand. Every time I see that photo I want to go back to the beach!

  32. I cannot for the life of me think of the exact photo that I’d want done. HOWEVER, I have a GIGANTIC storage place in my bedroom FULL of wonderful photos from which to pick. I can say this: I definitely think it would be one from my girl’s childhood.

  33. That is a beautiful photo and a beautiful canvas!! If I win, I have a photo of my daughter holding my son on the beach at sunrise in Destin five years ago. The lighting is perfect, it’s one of my faves, and it would make a gorgeous 16×20 wrap canvas!

    thanks for the chance to win!!


  34. I would choose a picture of my grand children, that my daughter took, of them walking hand in hand down a dirt road (they are 1 and 2 years old). For some reason the picture reminds me of my Dad who passed away 6 weeks before my grandson and his first great grandson was born (his namesake also) my Daughter was very close to her Grandfather. I don’t know if I would keep it for my livingroom wall or give it to my daughter…Thanks so much for taking me down memory lane…

  35. Oh wow I have never heard of them before. I love the painting they did for you. If I won I would definitely get one done from my wedding. The only wedding photos that I have are just the normal 4×6 photos.

  36. I would definitely choose one of the pictures of my daughter and myself on her wedding day (one of the the happiest days of our lives). When I was diagnosed with breast cancer 10 years before, the first thought that went through my mind was that I wouldn’t be around to see my daughter get married. Well I was and it was wonderful!!

  37. I would choose a black and white picture of my mom and dad when they were young back in the early-mid 40s. They have both passed on and it would be a great tribute to them

  38. I have two grown children who live out of state so Christmas is the only time we can take a family picture. I would love to have a canvas print of my family! It would help to make them feel a little closer to home for me.

  39. It would be a hard choice but I think I would go with a picture of my three kids a couple of years ago from a vacation

  40. Oh, what a beautiful canvas wrap! If I should win, I, too, would have a difficult time choosing the “right” photo. However, based on emotion alone, I would probably choose the one of me holding my first grandchild shortly after his birth. That would, of course, then lead to four other wraps to celebrate the births of the grandchildren who followed!

  41. I would pick a picture of my little girl on the morning of her daddy’s deployment. She stole his hat to wear and was so proud of herself!

  42. I would use a photo of our lake property, just waiting for a cottage… perfect to look at and dream over!

  43. I have just started playing with photography and I rediscovered a photo of my great grandparents house that I just LOVE. I also like to take pics of my feet (yea, I know) and I have a fun collage done…OH WAIT! Our Christmas Card this year is awesome…sigh…I can’t choose!

  44. This would just be incredible to win! And I know exactly which photo I’d use; a recent one of my gorgeous daughter {3rd post down on my blog – apm}. It’s one of those shots that you have no idea what you captured till you import it into LR and then WOW! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  45. The pic I would use? Easy question! My oldest son had just started to sit up on his own, it was a cool day in October, bright and sunny out, perfect lighting, so… I sat him down on the grass and he felt the blades for the first time! I snapped a pic at the perfect moment, the sweetest, yet funny look on his face as he felt the grass! Here’s the pic on FB –> http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=104099089605360&set=a.103350339680235.7629.100000158083035&theater Thanks for the opportunity!
    Toni Moore, tonikaye24@yahoo.com, @VectoringMomma

  46. Oh my gosh! how pretty!! I gave one of all 3 of my kids in front of the Christmas tree together that I would have done. its about the only one I have with all of them together in one pic!

  47. I can sooo relate to your words! I too would love to have a canvas…but the idea of trying to chose a picture [out of the thousands I have ] then a company, then where to put it…the stress! Leaves me not doing anything about it!! I would love a canvas to hang in my bedroom, which we are currently remodeling. I have a fav pic of the kids when they were about 5 and 8…even though it’s a few years old..it holds great memories for me. I would love to wake up, looking at that picture everyday!!


  48. OHHH, I received a wrapped canvas of our family for Christmas, and would love to have another to put up. I lOVE how easy they are to hang and how they can transform a wall so quickly – no frame necessary!
    Thanks for this great giveaway!

  49. I have a photo of my daughter running in shallow water on the beach. Looks like she’s walking on water. Her hair is blowing in the wind. It’s the desktop photo on my Mac. And it captures vacation joy perfectly! I’d love to have a canvas of it!

  50. Holy SNAP. How cute is that picture!? You chose well! Oh my gosh, I would loooove one of these. Although, I can’t even begin to pick which picture I would want made into a canvas. Probably a picture of my family in front of our house, prior to Hurricane Katrina.

  51. I would choose one of the pictures of my family in Hawaii. I LOVE my family and I LOVE Hawaii.

  52. There is this photo I absolutely love of my stepmom on the beach holding my son when he was about 3 months old, it’s taken from behind her with the ocean stretching into the distance, and it would be so perfect!

  53. the picture i would choose is a photo of my 1962 hollywood schwinn bicycle. i’ve ridden it since it was handed down to my by a relative. i had to give up riding two years ago due to severe arthritis. i’ve kept it around because my nieces like to ride it and one day- by hook or by crook- i will ride it again, even if it is on the streets of gold in heaven. it’s magic, because in 30 years, i’ve never had a flat and it still has the original tires. no lie.

    good giveaway, great hostess.

  54. I would probably use one of our photos from Mexico…or possibly Hawaii…as i still dream of being there almost each and every day ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. I would choose a recent photo of all 4 of my kids laughing together and give it to my husband for Father’s Day!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  56. I have a photo of my girls from last fall at the park. They are running and holding hands, their hair flying behind them. It’s a shot taken from behind, like yours here (which came out beautifully, I might add!). Love that Elaine turned you onto this and I’m gonna follow asap & tweet!

  57. I’ve been contemplating trying one of these canvases for a picture I have of my girls at Halloween last year – they are all dressed up and sitting together under a tree. So rare to get them in a shot together.

  58. I would choose the picture of my 4yo daughter holding her newborn baby sister for the first time. The expression of joy and pride on her face is priceless!

  59. I would choose a picture of my son and daughter (3 and 5 years old) that was taken last fall at the beach. It was their first trip to the beach and the excitement on their faces showed!

  60. I’ve been trying to talk myself into ordering a wrapped canvas for ages! I think I have my choice narrowed down to one of my favorite pictures of my son and a really cool shot I got at the beach.

  61. How cool is this, ooohhh I know exactly which photo too. I recently took a photo of my daughter at Big Bear and would love it on canvas!

  62. I would have to choose one of my grandaughter. I have no canvases so I’m scared of getting addicted but I’ve secretly been wanting canvases on my walls instead of all the frames.

  63. I have just started exploring taking pictures diffrent from candid shots of my kids. Recently I took a picture of a disabled boy at a parade and the pure joy on his face makes me smile everytime I see it so I would have that pictured wrapped so that I can see the joy at the simple things like a parade to remind me to smile more often.

  64. I took some this winter of frosty plants with blue skies. I think I’d chose one of those, but this is opening a world of possibilities for me!

  65. I have some beautiful photos of my two boys that would be sooo great gallery wrapped. I love the look of these and how they turned out!

  66. I would choose a candid shot of my son, taken in black and white last fall on a family hike. At four years old, he had recently discovered that Han Solo was also Indiana Jones, and he was determined to BE INDY. My husband dug up the leather fedora hat that he had used in his own high school yearbook picture, and gave it to our son. I captured a nose-crinkled look of absolute mischief on that precious boy’s face, gorgeously lit in the autumn light and perfectly framed by fallen leaves and the beloved old hat.

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