Jenny and Catherine

Jenny and Catherine:  (aka)  Agents Provocative

Maria and Me

Maria and Me

Jen and MeJen and Me

Caitlin and ShannonCaitlin and Mr. Lady


IMG_3817That is MY blog and quote up on the screen at the Opening/Welcome Breakfast! I squealed!!!

Sugar, Casey, MeSugar, Casey and Me

Michelle and Me

Michelle (WTM) and Me

IRenee and MeRenee and Me at the Tim Gunn cocktail party

Tara, Andrea, JennyTara, Andrea, Jenny at the Tim Gunn Party


Jenny and MeJenny and Me

Piper and MePiper and Me

LovesVDog, Flinger, Mishi and Me

Jessica and GeorgeGeorge and Jessica

6 AM sunday morningI opened my eyes to this at 6AM Sunday Morning

You can see more of my pics in my flickr stream.

My heart is still so full and I’m still soooo tired and I haven’t unpacked yet (HA) but, I’m home and I’m still high on BlogHer09.


  1. I saw all of these people except you and your shoes. Sob! What happened?? I am kicking myself right now!

    Such great pictures. Next time, no excuses! We are doing dinner 🙂 xoxo

    1. I am DEVASTATED that we didn’t meet!!! There are a couple of people that I tried to hunt down and just never could and YOU are one of them.

      You have to go to BlissDom and then we only have to wait 6 months to see each other and FINALLY meet and have dinner, K?!

    1. Having you there would have made it perfect.
      {blushes} You are such a sweetheart. Next year there will be pictures of you and me grinning together and you’ll bestow your awesome photography sparkle dust on me. K? <3

    1. You’re such a sweetheart, George.
      I do love that pic of you and Jess. 😉 You’ll notice that I left the other one off since you thought it so unflattering 😉

    1. I am DEVASTATED that there aren’t pics of us together. How did we allow that to happen? Oh yes, we were too busy hugging and squeeing and talking. damn us.

    1. Don’t remind me. I’m kicking myself. We sat together for how long? ARGH. I know we have Grilled Cheese.. but really… we should have had BlogHer, too. *sigh*

  2. What great pictures! I’m so glad you had such a good time and got to meet so many wonderful people. One day I WILL meet you too.

    Take care – Kellan
    .-= Kellan´s last blog ..Girl … What Tree Did You Fall From =-.

  3. I hope you will stop by Dining With Debbie with your favorite Crock Pot Wednesday entry. Misty Linky is up and waiting for you. The first of the giveaways for the inaugural event is posted.

  4. Those pictures are adrorable! I just love seeing your smiling face!! So glad I got to spend time with you at BlogHer. I don’t think I can stand the wait until Blissdom! xoxo

  5. Can I just say that I am so glad to call you a friend? Meeting at Blissdom and then reuniting at BlogHer was great. Although, I have to say that when I do it again things will be different. I am spending all of my time with my friends – coffee, tea, dinner whatevs, with friends! Hopefully I will be at Blissdom again since I won’t be at BlogHer.

  6. ooo Ooooo Oooooo!! I love all these shots! Rachel, you are awesome!!

    Are they on flickr, I’d love to favorite a few. especially the one of us!
    .-= Secret Agent Mishi´s last blog ..Meet Mr Lady =-.

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