Why I Do

Why I Do

Do you ever have one of those days? You can actually hear the wolf at the door, the click clack of the claws as it edges ever closer, the dank heavy heat of it’s breath as it waits for just the right moment to pounce? That moment when everything catches up with you and you…

A Face Only A Mother (or Nathan) Could Love: Weekly Winners

A Face Only A Mother (or Nathan) Could Love: Weekly Winners

Only A Mother Could Love This Face Or Nathan Meet Adrian, Nathan’s Father’s Day Present. A 2 year old Female American Mastiff with an underbite that rivals Bluto from Labyrinth Tomatillos are Tonguegasmic A Day of Fishing Fishing is SO exhausting More Weekly Winners can be found at the Awesome Eye Candiest Blog around, Sarcastic…

A Painted Monkey

A Painted Monkey

I only have one picture for my Weekly Winners this week.  That means I need to get my camera out more next week. I loved the look of concentration on his face and the fact that he’d painted more on his face than on his stick 😉 ************************************************************************************************************************ I was nominated for a Social Luxe…