One Woman’s Battle

Hello again, Kim’s mom, Paula, here.   Kim has asked me to once again to write about my newest diagnosis that I was given in December, 2008. Stage 4, breast cancer . Ok, now that’s out of the way, let me begin. Last August/Sept, 2008, I started feeling funny.  I couldn’t quite place what was wrong…

Blogging For Boobs

Blogging For Boobs

Do things look a little different around here?  Do I look a tad bit pink? That’s all thanks to Nap Warden , she’s turned me pink in honor of my Blogging for Boobs this month. Today, is October 1st which means it is officially Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I’m on a mission.  I want…

Tomorrow It Begins

Tomorrow It Begins

Tomorrow, October 1st, 2009. My blog will go pink for one month.  “Physically” pink thanks to Nap Warden and emotionally and powerfully Pink in an effort to raise both money and awareness for Breast Cancer Research. I have guest posters who’ve written beautiful, poignant and funny stories about survival, testing and being a family member…

Kitchenista Baby!

Kitchenista Baby!

That’s right!  I am a VELVEETA it!  Kitchenista, more specifically: The Time Saver Tuesday, Kitchenista! We now interrupt this exciting announcement to bring you the obligatory transparent as saran wrap disclosure statement: “Hi! My name is Rachel and I have partnered with VELVEETA to serve as one of five VELVEETA it! Kitchenistas. I have been…