One Billion Picniks

One Billion Picniks

Y’all know that I love me some Picnik. Love, puffy, sparkly hearts and rhinestones love me some Picnik. let’s just state right here for the record, I am getting zippity doo da nada for this post. I just love picnik There are so many fun options and tools and they are constantly updating and improving…

Morning Fashion Advice

Morning Fashion Advice

The Scene: Saturday Morning (Today) 7:30 AM.  I had just finished my workout and sat down on the couch to check email and twitter. Monkey comes stumbling out of his room with that sleepy tousled hair and rosy cheeks that comes from the deep, deep sleep of a contented child. He crawls up on the…

I’m Talking to You

I’m Talking to You

Yes, You! and You! and oh yes, YOU! I see you back there, hiding in your reader, scrolling via phone .. well, today, I’m talking to you! Do you know what today is? Well, apparently it’s National Delurker Day.  See, it even has it’s own graphic and everything. Thanks to RudeCactus for the graphic and…