Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Windows to The Soul Little Slice of Heaven Sifting Through the Generations Melts in Your Mouth Nature’s Jewelry The Moment Before it Drops I love being inspired by my friend, Lotus and her beautiful view of the world. I hope that you will be, too. Please go visit her and the others who participate in…



Migas might be my favorite egg breakfast dish ever.  Eggs, jalapenos, salsa, cheese, chips… my mouth starts watering just thinking about them. Migas I like my Migas with a lot of chips!!!  You may want to use 1/2 the chips, it’s up to you. These Migas are super easy to make, delicious and the spice…

Date Night

Date Night

Do you and your spouse have a date night?  Seriously, do you? Nathan and I don’t have a set date night.   Between kickball, work, traveling, PTA, fundraisers, kickball, girl scouts, work etc… etc… etc…  it seems like we can hardly fit a night at home together, much less a date night. A few weeks ago…

Take Part

Take Part

The smallest changes can make the biggest difference. I don’t know about you, but I’m hearing that everywhere lately; from the Disney Channel, to American Idol, to the commercials celebrating the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. I fully believe that we should be the change we want to see in the world, stop waiting for…

Picture Spring

I’m a bit in love with life through the lens.  I always have had a bit of an obsession with cameras and photography and only since delving into the blogging world and meeting such inspirations as Mishi and Karen and Maile and Lotus and Casey have I really spent time researching and learning and pursuing. …

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Attitude concentration April Showers These Boots Were Made For Jumping It’s Not About Waiting For The Storm To Pass; It’s About Learning To Dance in the Rain Shelter From The Storm Mesquite Diamonds Complete Role Reversal These pictures are all part of my obsession with photography and my new camera baby.  You can see more…

Good Point

The Death of our washing machine complete with shards of metal and all precedes this exchange: Me to Nathan: “The washing machine is dead, what are we going to do?” Nathan responded: “Well, you could always wash clothes by hand in the river” I replied: “Nathan, I don’t even iron. Why on earth would you…