Happily Ever What!

Happily Ever What!

The kids chose our Color Me Rad Team Name. Happily Ever What! This past Saturday we got up before the roosters and the sun and most sane people, put on our family team shirts, our neon sunglasses and headed down to reliant stadium to run the Houston 2014 Color Me Rad. We ran, we jogged,…

Monkey Speak

Monkey Speak

My youngest brother-in-law got married this past weekend, in a lovely ceremony in a tee-tiny East Texas town. My handsome husband was the best man, and he looks rather dapper in his champagne suit; if I do say so myself. Monkey is quite enamored with all things dapper.  He loves tuxedos {is rather upset that…

Game Day Eats
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Game Day Eats

Football and Texas They’re practically synonymous, right? Around here, football means family, food, and friends. If there’s a game on – there’s a crowd and cheering and sharing and laughter and memories being made. My very first football game that I can remember was at Kyle Field, watching the Aggies.  I have no idea who…