Our Evening at the Food Bank

Our Evening at the Food Bank

For Princess’ 11th birthday last month she spent the evening helping to pack holiday necessity packs at the Houston Food Bank Representatives from Fisher Nuts spent November 18th at Food Banks across Texas donating time, money ($40,000 to Feeding Texas) and raising awareness with their #fishercares #Nuts4Texas campaign.  As a Think Fisher Ambassador, I was…

Two Little Words

Two Little Words

“What was the best part of your day today?”   That’s what I ask my kids and their friends when I pick them up from school each day. The answers range from: “It was library day!” to “I sat next to X at lunch today”  to “I helped X in PE/Art/Music” to “My teacher smiled at me”…

Goodnight 10

Goodnight 10

The tie dye cake cones are cooling on the rack. The red velvet cake cones are nearly ready to come out of the oven. You’ve just come down for one more kiss, one last joke, one more hug, a few minutes more… I hug you, I laugh, I kiss you, and I nudge you upstairs…….