Beauty: Weekly Winners

Beauty: Weekly Winners

Scattered The Face Off Proof That Beauty Is In The Small Things Flying High someone found the face off shot to be disturbing and although I cannot imagine why, and I’m saddened that someone would see something ‘disturbing’ or ugly in what I experienced to be a funny stare down ‘face off’ between a father…

Wax On, Wax Off?

Wax On, Wax Off?

I go every couple of weeks to get my caterpillars eyebrows waxed at my local nail place and while I love these people and how sweet they are to my kids, they’re starting to give me a bit of a complex. I enter to chiming cowbells and enthusiastic greetings and  “Warren” leads me back to…

Bedtime Drama

Bedtime Drama

Isn’t that adorable? Picturesque even. A Dad reading to his kids, it’s priceless especially because that’s uninterrupted blogging time for me a picture in time that I will keep in my heart forever. Apparently for Monkey, it was a one time deal. After dinner tonight Nathan said to me, “I’ll take the little one, you…

Wake Up! Mommy

Wake Up! Mommy

I took Monkey to Bible study with me yesterday instead of leaving him in the childcare area because he was having an ‘off’ day. I’ve been attending this bible study since I was 6 months pregnant with him so the ladies there are like family. It was a food and fellowship day which meant lots…

Weekly Winners: The ‘I forgot my camera’ edition

Weekly Winners: The ‘I forgot my camera’ edition

Daddy’s Little Helper My love bugs Before: Garage Quality After: Princess Quality Weekly Winners is hosted by the fabulous Lotus. Go over there and see people who didn’t forget to drag their camera around every day. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Tomorrow is Monday which means it’s Mouthwatering Monday time!! Post your recipes, grab a button and pop over…