She’s Got Legs: PSF

She’s Got Legs: PSF

It is official that I am a kickball coach/mom and my daughter, is a baller… a kickballer that is. She has got legs and those muscular little legs were made for kickball. We have opening ceremonies and pictures tomorrow morning so there will be many more pictures and I’m sure stories to follow. Hosted by…

Sister Schubert’s Goodie Basket Winner

Sister Schubert’s Goodie Basket Winner

With 38 entries, a couple of double entries equaling 42 total entries The Winner of this fantastically delicious basket of goodness is: The American Homemaker Congratulations!!!! E-mail me your mailing address and tell me which of the selections you wanted and we’ll get your goodie basket right out to you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have some great…

In The Blink of An Eye

We blinked. We were eating dinner, the phone rang, everything changed. They were walking in to eat dinner, he said “I think I’m walking sideways”  “My hand feels funny, my head hurts” She blinked. He slumped. She called 911 They called us. We blinked and we were in the car driving to Victoria. We blinked…

Come on Ride the Train

Come on Ride the Train

“I big boy Mom” That’s what my 2 year old Little Monkey told me when we were on the boat. “I a big boy”, he told me again, his chest puffed up with pride over his real Batman fishing pole that he was gripping tightly in his chubby little fists, the line dangling into the…