Tiramisu from the lunch sponsored by Hunts and ConAgra

Popcorn For Eyes and Tummies

Onion Rings from Findley’s

George Duran made us Fried Cheese.. Holy Deliciousness

This is Cheese and Eggplant and it was rich, delicious, melty, tomato-y heaven

You know I had to πŸ™‚

This is just the food that I REMEMBERED to take pictures of πŸ˜‰ I seriously almost put the Tiramisu in here twice because it was that good. Like BusyDad said:Β  “Because watching your weight is so Pre-Blissdom”Β  #snort


  1. Honey you had me at fried cheese. Holy cholesterolgasm!

    We have got to hang out at some point for than just a hug! πŸ™

    p.s. Amy you’re making me regret not staying for dinner Saturday!!!!

    1. That fried cheese that he made was delicious and he served it with a fun roasted salsa.. it was yummy!

      Seriously, we only ever have time for hugs! What is up with that?

    1. ZING! I had FORGOTTEN about those. Those were like little pulled pork tender pieces of heaven sandwiched in crumbly buttermilk clouds.

      did you try the potstickers or the coconut shrimp? ZOWIE.

      Seriously, that food was AMAZING. Kudos to ConAgra.. they really know how to serve it up.

  2. that’s like asking me which of my kids do I like best πŸ™‚ I guess if I would have to choose it would be the popcorn (absolutely f.a.v.o.r.i.t.e food on the planet) but 2nd choice was the unlimited supply of whipped cream on ice. We did get swooned a bit by the chef at Volare on the last night and scored a free appetizer (heavenly), free a lemon cello and a free incredible desert of ice-cream with balsamic vinegar and basil. that made our (cathe holden) entire weekend.
    .-= Selena´s last blog ..Heading Home from Blissdom =-.

    1. LUCKY!
      NOM NOM NOM.

      I loved all of it and then people keep reminding me and I start drooling more. Usually, I take pics of everything.. this time, I was too busy talking and eating πŸ˜‰ hee hee.

      the popcorn was amazing. Popcorn is one of my family’s staple snacks, served with sliced apples.. YUMMY πŸ˜‰

      Adored meeting you, thank you so much for coming by and leaving me drooling with jealous over your Volare experience πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  3. Damn you girl! I am SO hungry now! It all looks amazing! Glad you had so much fun, and I am hoping you got to do some serious tasting after being exposed to all that yummyness.
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..The Henrietta Enquirer =-.

    1. There was some serious eating going on ! The ONLY reason that I didn’t ahve to worry about gaining weight… I walked 9 miles a day at that city πŸ™‚

  4. Holy cow that all looks SO good!! I am eating dinner at my desk for the third time in a week and not thrilled. The eggplant, cheese concoction looks amazing and how exciting about your potatoes. I love basil, too!! Oh – I am seriously dying right now. I want it all!!!

    1. hee hee hee πŸ˜‰
      Basil is awesome! I <3 Basil. The eggplant thing, seriously ridiculously good. I'm hoping it's in his cookbook that I got because I am dying to play with it!


    1. Oh mah word, that potato salad was killer! I made the girls spin the Lazy Susan away from me so that I didn’t dive in. It was so rich and perfectly seasoned.. NOM NOM NOM. Dangit.. πŸ˜‰

      Thank You. That means a lot to me. I enjoyed speaking and I hope that y’all listening enjoyed hearing it and learned something from it, other than my passion for sniffing herbs in farmer’s markets πŸ˜‰

  5. So, do you think they’d tell you how they made than cheese and eggplant dish so you can share with all of us who weren’t there??? I’d love to know the gist of it and give it a go.

    (whisper: check the spelling of “sponsored” in the header for the Tiramisu, simple fingers moving faster that the keyboard can handle.)
    .-= Chick Hatchers´s last blog ..ANSWER: What is this? Guessing game. =-.

    1. {smacks forehead}

      Yes, fingers move much faster than brain πŸ˜‰ or other way around??

      Sigh. looking into getting those recipes πŸ˜‰ BELIEVE IT!

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