Delicious green salad with summer berries and honey glazed pecans

honey glazed pecan fruit salad

 I absolutely adore spring and summer, because the farmer’s markets and stores are simply bursting with juicy, gorgeous, ripe berries and that makes me so happy.

This scrumptious salad is definitely one of my new favorites.  The rich leafy greens, paired with 4 different berries, topped off by sweet, crispy honey glazed pecans… oh my gosh y’all.  SO good!

I ate this 3 days in a row and made it again for the neighbors!

Summer Berry Salad with Honey Glazed Pecans

This salad is so delicious and so simple to throw together.  I was inspired to make this salad when I saw a Summer Berry salad on a visual menu at a restaurant as the kids and I were out shopping last week.  It sounded so good, but they wanted $9 for their salad, and y’all, that’s just not happening.

Go to your Farmers Market or garden or wherever you get your berries and grab some plump, delicious blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries, and then grab more because you’re going to snack on them {you know you will} and you’re going to want to make this salad several times.

leafy green berry salad with honey glazed pecans

Due to the juiciness of the berries and the yummy sweet, crispness of the honey glazed pecans, you don’t really need a dressing for this salad, but if you really want one – I highly recommend this Savory Dijon Wine Vinaigrette , it would complement the sweetness perfectly!

There’s really not a hard and fast recipe for this salad, as it’s just a mixture of your favorite leafy greens {I use a spinach, kale, romaine, red leaf mix}.  I sliced up 6 strawberries, and added in 1/2 C of raspberries, 1/2 c blackberries,  1/2 c blueberries, and 1 C of honey glazed pecans.  Voila!  Easy and delicious Berrylicious Summer Salad!

 A huge thank you to Fisher Nuts for being a sponsor of A Southern Fairytale.  I have received product and compensation as part of my participation in this campaign, but the recipes, thoughts, and opinions are 100% my own and always honest.

Honey Glazed Pecans for Berrylicious Summer Salad

Fresh and delicious summer salad with leafy greens, berries, and honey glazed pecans
Print Recipe
Cook Time:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes


  • 2 Cups Fisher Pecan Halves
  • 1/4 C Honey
  • Pinch of Cinnamon


  • Place a large skillet over medium high heat and add in the pecans. Toast them lightly, until a bit aromatic. Do not burn!
  • Add in the honey and cinnamon and stir constantly, until the mixture begins to simmer.
  • Remove from heat and turn out onto a parchment paper lined surface to cool


These are so yummy. The salad really only needs 1 Cup of the pecans, but they're definitely something you're going to want to snack on.
Servings: 2
Author: Rachel Matthews - A Southern Fairytale


  1. I love farmer’s markets … you never know what you are going to find. I am definitely trying this recipe this weekend. Thanks for sharing, beautiful photos btw. Kim

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