The images of our loved ones that we engrave on our hearts and minds while they never disappear (God willing) they often fade and lose their luster.. become wavery and less solid.
For that reason pictures are such a gift.

We can capture moments of silliness and joy

princess and daddy

Priceless moments of childhood

artistic lighting

and the faces of love


Paula and Kim

When you take a picture you realize that you’re preserving some precious, fun moment in time.  What you may not realize until later, is that picture could become one of your most priceless possessions.

Those who know that best are those who’ve lost someone; their child, their mother, their spouse…

Kim, whose mom Paula, wrote this about her battle with stage 4 Breast Cancer, and who herself wrote this beautiful letter to her mother, knows this all too well.  Kim is an amazing photographer and she knows better than most just how precious every captured moment is.

Kim is offering a $50 gift card to Shutterfly to help one of you preserve those memories in a very special way.

To enter to win this gift card:  Please leave a comment telling me why pictures are so important to you and what you’d do with this gift card.

To earn a special bonus entry: Make a donation Photobucket to the Blogging For Boobs Susan G Komen Fundraising page. All donations are tax deductible and there is no minimum or maximum. Leave me a comment telling me that you donated, or if you want to do it anonymously… email me and I’ll create an anonymous comment for you, once it’s been verified.

this contest will run from Oct 8th to Oct 10th at 11:59PM CST.. I will use to choose a winner.

RANDOM.ORG - shutterfly winner

Congratulations to NEW MOM Jill of Diaper Diaries! The winner of our $50 shutterfly gift card from @photographymom


  1. Such awesome pics! I would make a photo book for my daughter (age 20) of her little brothers (ages 7 and 2).

    Having raised one child before digital pictures and the Internet (yes, I’m THAT old) I fully appreciate how much easier pictures are now. You can take and take, deleting what isn’t that great. View them immeidately and print them yourself! The ones of my daughter are precious and I only wish I had more (and didn’t have to scan them all).

    When I look at pics of her, I realize how many things I wouldn’t remember without the aid of the photos. They are a true treasure.

  2. Pictures are memories of the past, memories that sometimes get lost in our minds, when laundry, PTA, baseball, cubscouts, bills, appts are in the forefront. I use my photos for scrapbooking and journaling about the story behind the photo. It’s funny I saw this on twitter today because I found a video of my son at 18mnths laughing and dancing. I had completely forgotten it until today. I even blogged about it this morning.

    I have a bad habit of printing my photos, so this gift card will help me print out the months that have not been printed yet. And frame some of my favorites.

    Thanks so much for the chance!

  3. Pictures are records of life. I am amazed how I still go back to old pics and reminisce of the old, fun times. The people I know that have went through fires all want old photos when others ask what can they do. One of my most favorite hobbies is making books and calendars on Shutterfly. IN fact I am about to start on a new book and a couple of new calendars so a $50 gift certificate would come in handy. THanks for the chance to win!

  4. Pictures are important reminders of the people who aren’t with us any more…My dad died when I was 10 so I rely on pictures to remind me of him. I’d probably use the gift card to put together a photo book for my kids of family members they don’t get to see very often or those who are no longer alive.

  5. Pictures are priceless to me. Sometimes we get so caught up in the business of our lives that we don’t experience life as intensely as we should. Photographs bring those moments back to us, giving us a new perspective. I’d use the gift card to create a photobook of some of the old photos I recently found in my grandmother’s attic … a heritage album of sorts!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..FPD Color Challenge – week of 10/5/09 =-.

  6. Pictures really do help refresh your memory when those memories fade. I use them for that purpose – to remember my mom. I also use them to go back through my children’s lives and enjoy the memories of the day without the frustrations that come with parenting. I have one child in particular who has more needs than my others. Man, she drains me. But going through pictures helps me enjoy her. The pictures only capture the good memories, not the frustrations and exhaustion.
    .-= Chick Hatchers´s last blog ..Watch this! =-.

  7. Paula & Kim’s letters have brought tears to my eyes, they truly have such a strong bond. I think you are doing such a wonderful thing for Breast Cancer this month– I really love it.

    As for the Shutterfly card? I’d use it to print some of our engagement photos we’re getting taken on October 25th.
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Open Letter #17: A Letter From Rebecca =-.

  8. Pictures make a moment last a lifetime. My son is an only child. He’s had a camera stuck in his face since birth!

    If I win I’ll either use the card to print pictures from my upcoming breast cancer walk or for the holidays. This is going to be a frugal holiday. I think we’re going to give a family photo to everyone as our cards.
    .-= Melanie @ Mel, A Dramatic Mommy´s last blog ..TMI, But It’s Useful =-.

  9. I am a picture freak. I would make some photo books for myself (yes, MYSELF) because I never have time to scrapbook anymore, but I’d love to be able to sit and flip through pictures. And maybe for the grandparents,too…
    .-= pgoodness´s last blog ..Rough day =-.

  10. Pictures are important because my memory is failing and I need them to remind me of milestones. I would probably use the gift certificate for Christmas gifts.

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