Kingfish Bigger Than The Monkey
william's big fish

Gettin’ Hosed

water hose fun

baby on beach

When You Wish Upon a (Texas) Star

If you’re going to BlogHer this is me, with my new hair
photobooth hair

For inspirational photography that will make you smile, ooh, aaaaah and want to pick up your camera, visit Sarcastic Mom for the Weekly Winners Home.


  1. I LOVE LOVE your new short hair!! So cute and sassy!

    I wish I was going to BlogHer now just to stalk your hair.

    Wait, that sounded weird, didn’t it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Your hair looks great! I just chopped mine off last week too (well, I had someone else do it, bu you know what I mean!)

    Love the sunbathing shot and those are some BIG fish! : )

  3. You cut your hair??? It looks great! I bet it feels good to have less of it when it’s humid out. I always had super short hair and just started growing it out a couple of years ago. The sticky days get to me!

    Can’t wait to see your lovely face in Chicago, lady!
    .-= Sugar Jones´s last blog ..United Breaks Guitars… then Responds to You Tube Video =-.

  4. What fun!
    Oh, I wish I was going to blogher. I didn’t hear about it in time to get tickets. Have a great time!

  5. Thanks for the picture! I’ll know who to hug now! (Oh, wait. I’ll probably hug lots of people…but I’ll give you an extra squeeze!)
    .-= Ree´s last blog ..Honest Rebellion =-.

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