This Avocado Blueberry Pear Smoothie is my favorite breakfast smoothie.  It’s light, refreshing, and delicious.

Thank you California Avocados for sponsoring this post.

Avocado Blueberry Pear Breakfast Smoothie


I love breakfast food.  LOVE.  Migas, Bacon and Eggs, Pancakes, Waffles, Breakfast Casseroles… I could wax poetic about breakfast for hours, but I won’t.

When it’s hot outside, or we’re in a rush; it’s all to easy for breakfast to go by the wayside and either get skipped entirely, or it ends up being something quick, heavy, and unhealthy.  When we start our day off with no breakfast, or with a less than stellar breakfast, we definitely feel it.  Whether it’s the sluggishness or the blahs.. we definitely suffer.

This smoothie is the perfect way to make sure we’re starting our day off right.  It’s filling, but not heavy, it’s delicious, pack full of fruits and yumminess, and best of all… QUICK!  The purple color is a fun bonus.   

avocado berry smoothie ingredients

Avocado in smoothies? WHAT?  Rachel, have you lost your mind?  Nope.  Stick with me here, y’all.  Check it:

  • California Avocados are sodium, sugar and cholesterol-free and contain mono and polyunsaturated fats! 
  • 8% of the recommended Daily Value (DV) for folate
  • 4% DV for fiber and potassium
  • 4% DV for vitamin E and more

The blueberries add antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, pears are high in fiber, and cinnamon can help lower blood sugar levels! Chia seeds are high in Omega 3s and like blueberries, they’re an anti-inflammatory, check your teeth though.  Those little suckers are tricky, sticking in teeth ninjas. 

This Avocado Berry Breakfast Smoothie is the bomb dot com of breakfast smoothies.  I had to put this one on lockdown while I was photographing it because it’s Monkey’s favorite drink.  As soon as I took my memory card out of the camera, he snagged it from the setup and sucked it down.  I’m not mad though, I can’t blame him 🙂  He and Nathan will arm wrestle for one of these smoothies, luckily they’re easy to make and this recipe makes enough for two to share.

blueberry avocado pear smoothie

The flavors in this blend beautifully, and while you do have to check your teeth, this recipe is easily customizable.  I like a bit more cinnamon and ice, while Nathan likes more honey and vanilla.

Avocado Blueberry Pear Smoothie

Avocados, Pears, and Blueberries blend with vanilla, cinnamon, and coconut milk to make this delicious dairy free, light and yummy breakfast smoothie that's packed with healthy fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:5 minutes
Total Time:5 minutes


  • 1 Cup 8 oz Coconut Milk
  • 1 Cup blueberries
  • 1/2 small to medium pear
  • 1/2 ripe medium California Avocado
  • 1/4 Cup Chia Seeds
  • 2 teaspoons Agave Syrup or Honey your preference
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon or more to taste
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • one to two handfuls ice


  • Put all the ingredients into a blender, add ice, and blend until smooth(ie)


Add more cinnamon for a bit more of a kick, add more vanilla and agave for a sweeter smoothie.
You could add spinach for a greener smoothie.
Add more ice to make it a thicker smoothie
Servings: 3 Cups
Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale

Disclosure: This post is brought to you by California Avocados. All opinions expressed are my own. Sponsored posts help me pay for the costs associated with this blog (like the groceries…so very many groceries,y’all), and help support me as I follow my dreams of recipe development and food photography. All opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands and companies that support A Southern Fairytale.


  1. Hi Rachel,

    You aren’t the only one putting avocado’s in smoothies 🙂

    The combination 1/2 avocado mixed with 1 or 2 cups almond milk and some dates for added sweetness, is a very common drink in Morocco.

    Warm regards!

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