PMS Crunch
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PMS Crunch

Chocolatey, Crunchy, Sweet, Salty, Rich, Butterscotch… Tonguegasmic.  This snack, this crunchy delight is perfect for anytime but, even best for that time of the month when you need the sweet, the salt, the crunch, the richness… the only thing it doesn’t have is heat.. but, you could add a dash of cayenne if you wanted…

Tea and Cookies

Tea and Cookies

When someone says Tea around here, they’re talkin’ sweet.  Possibly even with some fresh mint and sliced lemons. Down here in Texas, tea is sweetened and served cold. So,  when I was offered some Tazo Tea flavors to try and a recipe book… well, you can guess which of those things piqued my interest :-). …



I remember the first time that I laid out clothes for you. They were size Newborn and you were still safely nestled in my womb. I remember the first time that I dressed you for a big occasion in special clothes, you were two weeks old and they were pictures with Santa. It boggles my…