The Beauty of Hands

The Beauty of Hands

The amazing ladies of I Heart Faces hold a weekly photography link up and contest; I have never entered but I always follow along because they inspire me and I am in awe. This week it was hands, I have found myself drawn to hands, to taking pictures of them, staring at them. I think…

For Anissa Mayhew

Anissa: We Love You See. Hear. Feel. Know. Remember. You are Loved. The amazing Sarah manned the Blissdom Loves Anissa booth and took everyone’s pictures, smiled with them, laughed with them and teared up with them.  I cannot thank her enough. If you do not know Anissa’s story, or you want to know more please…

Blissdom Food

Blissdom Food

Tiramisu from the lunch sponsored by Hunts and ConAgra Popcorn For Eyes and Tummies Onion Rings from Findley’s George Duran made us Fried Cheese.. Holy Deliciousness This is Cheese and Eggplant and it was rich, delicious, melty, tomato-y heaven You know I had to 🙂 This is just the food that I REMEMBERED to take…

Mashed Potatoes with Fresh Basil, Blue Cheese and Greek Yogurt
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Mashed Potatoes with Fresh Basil, Blue Cheese and Greek Yogurt

Know what those are? Those are the Mashed Potatoes that won the Tastemaker 2K10 Cook off Challenge at Blissdom. and they’re mine. 🙂 I can’t even begin to put into words how much fun the Tastemaker Challenge was.  Crazy, loud, exhilarating, insane, silly, fun, tasty… They did such a good job driving us crazy keeping…