Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

I have so many winners this week. And yet…. at this moment, they’re lost somewhere…. Carbonite is whirring away. I know this because I can hear it. I chatted, they took control, they’re/it’s  working and I’m hoping and praying that they have the magic and the oomph to recover Princess’ First grade program pictures. The…

Merry Christmas to …..

Merry Christmas to …..

Y’ALL…… Y’all!!!!!!!! There were……. Eleven-Hundred PLUS entries Mah email kinda exploded 🙂 I want to say a HUGE congratulations to….. the winner….. of this with this Massively Huge Congratulations and a TEENSY bit of envy goes out to………………………… Congratulations, Amy Please email me ASAP so we can get this ridiculously AWESOME iPad out to you.

Chorizo Queso
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Chorizo Queso

[donotprint]Football and Texans — We go together like Friday Nights and Football or Hot Caramel and Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream or Velveeta and Ro*Tel. Even though we’re from Texas, my husband is a MAJOR Colts Fan Casey even went to the stadium last year to get him a T-shirt after they won the Superbowl, she…