Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Corpus Christi got an icing this week, they’re calling it the most significant arctic blast in Corpus Christi’s history. Ice Dancing Ice-erpillar Do you see a frog?* No Fish For You A Crack in The Door Still uploading my BlissDom pictures — you can find them here Go visit one of my favorite people, Lotus,…

Happy 35th

Happy 35th

Good Morning, my love. Happy 35th Birthday. Birthdays are incredibly special; they’re a day to rejoice and give thanks and a day to remember. Your mom was so proud of you; I know that she’s watching you right now and that she’s smiling because you are more than any mother could hope for.  I say…

Virtual Soup Swap

Virtual Soup Swap

Y’all. Y’ALL!!! The smell in my house is beyond dee-vine, right now.  It’s 11 PM and I have a Steak and Potato Soup simmering in one pot and Bean and Bacon soup simmering in the other.  I could eat my kitchen right this minute. THAT — is bean and bacon soup that is about to…