

I blame Flinger for my iPhone addiction. Sitting next to her on the way home from BlissDom in 2009 her iPhone sang its siren song to me — it taunted my blackberry — I was hooked. I loved my precious. I discovered apps, Words With Friends and Angry Birds For Christmas this past year —…

Droppin’ A Bomb

Droppin’ A Bomb

A Love Bomb Sometimes in life you’re lucky enough to meet someone who truly inspires you. Because of this amazing community of people that I’ve met through my computer — I’ve been lucky enough to meet more than I can count on one hand. Way back in my first year of blogging, I met Katie…

Easy Seafood Recipes

Easy Seafood Recipes

Lent has begun and I’ve had a few (read several) requests for quick and easy seafood dishes. I haven’t had time to cook up anything new and photograph it — however, I have several delicious recipes ready to share with y’all today. For snack time — Delicious Crab Stuffed Mushrooms (wow, that’s an old picture…..