
It only takes one. One moment. One word. One gesture. One action. One second… to change the world. While we in the US talk this week about our abundance of riches and all that we have to be thankful for: family, food, friends, and vacation – there are many who have less than we can…


Thanksgiving Recipes

Let’s talk Thanksgiving. Food, Family, Laughter, Giving Thanks, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Love; did I mention Food? Shall we begin our discussion with the main dish? Well, the traditional main dish, that is. Time to talk frying, roasting, smoking, brining and more. There are probably as many different ways to prepare the Turkey as there are…

I Will Build You A …

  Fence? Building? Bridge? A Damn WHAT? Oh, I get it.  They can’t spell, or they trust way too much in auto-correct.   ……..   Not really a word you expect to see on a Children’s Menu Crossword Puzzle about animals.   Spelling FAIL! iPhone photo taken at People’s Restaurant last night during Princess’ birthday…



“Mom, Can you believe I’m going to be Eight?” “No, no my darling girl — I can’t”   Wasn’t this just yesterday?   So much has changed, So much still the same. The moment you saw the ocean,  it was true love. You were a water baby, and now you’re a Boogie Boardin’ Diva.  Even…

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Magical Weekend

Y’all know that this past weekend Nathan and I were invited to go to the surprisingly historical city of Galveston for a weekend of fun, food, Magic and Music. I took 800 + pictures. Made new friends, reconnected with a couple of old ones, hugged an old one for the first time and spent the…


It’s Magical

I’m SO excited! Remember last year, when we got to go on that amazing Carnival cruise? No, we aren’t getting to go on another one — YET! But today, my handsome hubby and I are dropping the kids off with some friends for the weekend and heading to Galveston for a weekend of touring the…

Homemade Taco Seasoning

Homemade Taco Seasoning

Homemade Taco Seasoning Picture Below is the original picture from the 2011 recipe post I love making my own seasonings, being able to control the salt, heat, savoriness, sweetness – etc. Down here in Texas we eat a lot of black beans and steaks, tacos, fajitas, taco salads, nachos, quesadillas, tostadas – so a staple…