Prepping for Bliss

Prepping for Bliss

  Yes, I squee’d when I got my Prep for Bliss package yesterday! Thank you so much to all the wonderful Blissdom Sponsors for all those wonderful little goodies! Are you going?  Let me know in the comments and PLEASE leave me your twitter URL so I can make sure I’m following you! PS –…


The other night we were at a friend’s house relaxing when the back door flew open and Monkey came barreling into the room, his little face bright red and his eyes sparking with anger, tears and that wicked gleam that only appears when tattling on a sibling… Following coolly and calmly on his heels, is…

Turkey Taco Salad

Ground Turkey.  Homemade Taco Seasoning.  Spinach Salad Mix.  Pico De Gallo. This is the Cycle 1 recipe of the The 17 Day Diet  that won my husband over.  This is the recipe that lock, stock and barrel sold him on the diet and kept him going through the 1st cycle. I’ll admit it, taking a…