Blogust 2015 – Be The Difference

Blogust 2015 – Be The Difference

The past couple of Augusts I’ve participated in Shot@Life’s Blogust campaign by tweeting the #Blogust hashtag, and by sharing stories like this one about Princess Facing The World Head On. During Shot@Life’s Blogust 2015—a month-long blog relay—some of North America’s most beloved online writers, photo and video bloggers and Shot@Life Champions come together and share…

37 Things

37 Things

Today is my 37th birthday, and I am beyond grateful that I’ve reached this milestone. In honor of my 37th birthday, and with the humbling knowledge that I am beyond blessed to have reached this milestone – I wanted to share 37 things.  If you don’t want to read my 37 things, I ask you…

Oh Honey!

Oh Honey!

I love honey.  It’s one of my favorite natural sweeteners, and it’s just naturally gorgeous, too. One of my favorite pics that I’ve ever snapped is of a honeycomb and a pool of honey on a cutting board in Michigan. Seriously, y’all. How could you not fall in love with something so gorgeous, and tasty?…

What a Get Away

What a Get Away

I Flew into Arizona yesterday to attend the Mom 2.0 Summit, and not only was my roomie and kindred spirit Laura waiting for me at the airport, but this was the gorgeousness that greeted us at The Phoenecian .   Hello Heaven.  Laura, Jyl, and I worked out at the fitness center, and then rallied for dinner…