In South Texas we have this fantastic annual event called, Rattlesnake Races. It’s a huge event with sponsors, cold beer, good food, fun people (characters), games, craft booths and yes, rattlesnakes that race. We took the kids yesterday and we are all a tad sunburned and exhausted, but it was soooo much fun!

Here are a few of my favorite shots:

Potato on a stick

Tired Legs? Daddy’ll take up the slack

What are YOU looking at?
Sharing family interests with another generation


This shot from Tuesday morning is still my favorite.

Monkey Feet

Weekly Winners is hosted at Lotus’ blog.  EXperience her sarcasm and visit others to see beautiful photography and how others spent their week.

*Don’t forget that Mouthwatering Mondays is tomorrow!  Heat up your favorite recipe and join in the fun!!!


  1. oh those potatoes on a stick look SOOO good! ur blogs cute btw 🙂 thanks for commenting on mine.

    Drea’s latest brilianceWeekly Winners – March 15th-21st

  2. I WANT A POTATO ON A STICK! LOL Looks like ya’ll had fun! GOOD TIMES! You are so brave in that pic with monkey and the snake! GAH!

  3. sounds fun although I would never in 10 million years touch a snake – I hate those damn things ever since I was little and my older brother stuck a garden snake down m shirt! but I would eat that potato stack right up!

  4. Sounds like a fun day! The idea of sunburn in March is making me extremely jealous though. We had sun today, but it was cold and windy and everything was soggy from yesterday’s rain. LOL

  5. potato on a stick? could it be any better?!?!

    but oh dear…that snake. i’m not a big snake fan. ewwwwww.

    Monica’s latest brilianceMouthwatering Monday Recipe: Super Easy Dinner Rolls

  6. SWEET JEBBUS Rachel! Why didn’t you give me a heads up that you would be holding a snake!?

    I suppose the title was to tip me off?

    TRACI’s latest brilianceI am Famous!! And also pretty hungry.

  7. I love a gal who’s woman enough to not be afraid of snakes. You sure we aren’t related somewhere back up the line?? Wonderful pictures! I still wanna smooch me some monkey feet! ;o)

    Damama T’s latest brilianceBrains for Sale!

  8. Hello Potato on a stick fans, allow me to introduce myself my name is Olmer Serpas I am a representative of Velma’s Treats. I’m sorry to inform you that this year we were not able to please your potato needs due to the fact that the Rattle snake races committee banded our product from their market. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you are craving a potato on a stick you could visit us at Mary’s Flea Market in Alfred, Texas on the 1st weekend of every month. We also attend various events year round you could e-mail me at for dates and locations.

Talk to me!

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