1. Little feet. Little feet.

    I am IN LOVE with little feet.

    You know, right now when JR wakes up, just after I pull off his footy pajamas, I tickle and kiss his feet. He laughs. I laugh. He wiggles his toes, I play “This little piggy . . . ”

    I know one day it will be the last day I kiss those toes, tickle those feet, say “This little piggy.”

    Photos like this . . . priceless. Timeless.

  2. I just love that picture. I’d blow it up poster size, frame it and put it in his room or somewhere in the house – it is a great photo!!

    Hope you are good Rachel. Sorry I’ve not been by in a while – I’m drowin’ over here with too many to-do lists and you know – life.

    Hope you are good. Talk to you soon – Kellan

    Kellan’s latest brilianceWhen …

  3. okay, this would be framed up somewhere in my home were I the mother to the owner of those adorable little feet!!

Talk to me!

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