first sleet

There are moments in life that you hope you are still enough to notice.

Moments that can pass you by in the blink of an eye, moments that if you are too busy looking towards tomorrow… you’ll miss.

This is one of those moments.

We were so busy cleaning out our garage, readying for our garage sale… not really paying attention to the rare occasion that was happening around us.


Frozen rain.

South Texas.

Frozen Rain in South Texas.

We dismissed it completely as a mild annoyance until Monkey stood on our doorstep in full regalia and said:  “Daddy, pick me up and hold me up so that I can see the ice”

We stopped dead in our tracks and realized.

He is 3 years old and he’s never seen ice fall from the sky before.

I ran for the camera and my husband.. he gathered Monkey into his arms and into the ice they danced.

My two men.


  1. Cute! I guess it’s something if you haven’t seen it before. 🙂
    .-= WackyMummy´s last blog ..Winter Begins =-.

    1. Yep 🙂 It’s pretty amazing. I think this is the coldest it’s gotten in the 3 years that he’s been alive!
      I know a little sleet is nothing for some folks 🙂 but down here, it’s a big deal!

  2. What a keepsake! We got the sleet here too, but it seems like all around us got snow! Pasadena, Pearland, all over!
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..2009 CAN BITE MY ASS. Wait a tick, I think that’s what it did… =-.

  3. UH
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: For Anissa =-.

  4. that is awesome! Its the little things that take us by surprise! Love it…
    .-= DesignHER Momma´s last blog ..Stretchy Pants and Topless Shirts – A DesignHER’s guide to Maternity Fashion =-.

  5. That is awesome. At three, I was outside shoveling! He’s a lucky kid, to look at ice/snow that way. Then again, I still get all excited for that “first snow” every year!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Imagine Hope. =-.

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