The Sky After Ike

We are home, we are safe and we are Blessed. Thank you so much for all your prayers, all your thoughts and your well wishes.

God Bless the Red Cross, The National Guard, The volunteers, the thousands of nameless people affected because of Ike, those who lost and those who were moved to donate, to volunteer, to help.

I have stories, recipes and anecdotes, but now… I need sleep.

Lots of love and blessings.



  1. I hate how the sky is the most beautiful after a storm like that one. It’s just eerie.

    Glad you’re home safe and sound =)

  2. Glad you are OK and were able to go home!
    Funny how the eye and the after math of a hurricane are so calm.

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  4. SO glad all is good and well with you and yours. So glad you said “recipes” too. I had food pron withdrawal. It wasn’t fun.

  5. Saw you over on WW. So glad I stopped by. Love this sunset. Glad you are home safe and sound.

    Have a good long rest. You deserve it!

    Happy WW.

  6. So remember when I got my cabbage patch !! She is too cute, your daughter I mean! Glad to here your safe and sound at home after Ike!
    that is a wonderful sky

  7. I’m so relieved to see that you’re home and OK. I was really worried about you once I started seeing some of the Ike pictures on TV. Get some rest.

  8. Glad you are safe…Ike wrecked havoc on us here in the Midwest…but only rain, rain, and more rain.
    Saw you were new to SITS, so a big ole’ welcome!!

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