It’s a Texas Tradition; Bluebonnet Pictures.

One that I wrote about missing last year.

So, today Nathan and I got the kids dressed in their Big Sister, Little Brother tees wiped their faces clean and headed down the access road to one of the amazing patches of bluebonnets that blissfully, gorgeously line our highways this year.

The kids were both tired and they played along posing and pouting and dealing with mom and the ever present camera.

I was testing the lighting when I caught this shot of Princess.

bluebonnet pose

While taking that shot I heard squeals and giggles behind me.  The kind of laughter that comes from deep within, the laughter of that pure, true, heart expanding joy.

I turned camera in hand and somehow, caught this series.


flying 2

flying 3

These pictures speak volumes that no words can do justice.

So I’ll merely leave you with this.

Go.  Experience.  Laugh, love, Live.

Be in your life, be a part of your life.

It will be changed far too soon.


    1. Thank you, ma’am! Yes, I Love love all the vibrant colors of Texas Springs! I’m so glad to see them this year. Last year we were in a bad drought and there was nothing but brown everywhere. This year makes me smile!! Get her out there and I can’t wait to see the results!

    1. It’s hard to realize that the time goes by so fast but then looking at pictures and catching glimpses of a future adult in my daughter’s 6 year old face… makes me realize I need to be with them and IN their lives more.

  1. I love, love, love the pictures of your little one flying in the air. We have a series of pictures like that from when my oldest was a baby. But, the sky wasn’t that blue. Amazing! Great pictures and lovely words; you did it again.
    .-= elz´s most recent blog ..Friday Favorite-Tim Gunn! =-.

  2. All those wonderful comments you have left me and I can’t come up with words to leave here, because you have rendered me speechless.

    You are so true. I love that about you.
    .-= Mishi´s most recent blog ..No Loss of Suction. Literally. =-.

  3. I’d accuse you of trying to make me cry, but instead, I’ll just say Thank You for the beautiful reminder.

  4. I love the ones of your husband and monkey – great shots!

    And Princess looks so old – wowza! What a mature looking pic of her – it’s beautiful.

  5. Oh Rachel, these pictures are stunning. And the blue bonnets are such a beautiful background for your daughter’s picture. I love reading your posts, they always lift my spirits and make me smile. And I need that in my life right now. Thank you, love 🙂
    .-= Tricia´s most recent blog ..Tricia’s Trend Report-Spring 2010 =-.

  6. I love this post and how it’s such a metaphor for life. We go into situations with one expectation (like to shoot bluebonnets). But then life happens around us, while we’re planning. And sometimes life’s plan is so much better than our own. Those are some of the best shots! Monkey is catching some serious AIR! I’m jealous of your blue bonnets, haven’t found a decent field around here yet. Princess is a doll. Her hair is the red I wanted before my stylist turned me into a goth soccer mom. 🙂 Wish i’d had this picture to take to her! Except that can only be natural. I hope you’re enjoying the rest of your weekend! xo

  7. Oh I remember taking the girls out to do bluebonnet pictures! Some of the best amateur photography to be had. It’s almost impossible to take a bad picture. Are there Indian Paintbrushes mixed in with the bluebonnets anywhere around where you are? That’s so pretty, too.
    .-= Krissa´s most recent blog ..Bowels aren’t the only things moving around here. =-.

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