john's hands b&w

Y’all know that I love photographing hands, I love the story they tell… whether they’re brand new or 100 years old; every hand tells a story.

Nathan and I were very lucky this past weekend to be invited by a good friend’s husband to watch him play with one of our favorite Texas musicians, Cory Morrow.

Those hands up there, they play a mean guitar.

That was one of the most fun evenings out that Nathan and I’ve had in a long time.  We listened to music, we ate fried pickles, drank cold beer, danced, listened to Texas Music and got to meet a man hug a  friend,  and watch him do what he loves and I have to tell y’all, he is pretty damn amazing.

It is a gift to watch people do what they love and that entire night was a gift to us.


    1. Heather, he’s simply amazing.
      It was so much fun. I don’t know the last time that Nathan and I got to do something like that.
      We used to go to Gruene Hall all the time in College and when we were first married. It was sooo much fun!

  1. I’m so jealous that you got Shannon AND Lotus. Texas is lucky.
    .-= Mishi´s most recent blog ..Twelve =-.

  2. Sounds like you had a great time and you really did capture a great picture! Isn’t it nice to break out and listen to good, live music with friends?
    .-= Krissa´s most recent blog ..The long awaited Henrietta Update =-.

  3. I love your pictures of hands and I love Texas music. My favorite singer/songwriter in college was Phil Pritchett. Ah, Texas music halls and beer. Love hearing good Texas songwriters Cory, Jerry Jeff, Willie, Phil…
    .-= elz´s most recent blog ..Works for Me Wednesday =-.

  4. Great photo! You are so good with a camera!!! Happy WW!
    .-= Doll Clothes Gal Pal´s most recent blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Conquering Fears =-.

  5. I am fascinated by piano player hands. And that shot above is awesome. I miss live music — especially nights like a Shake Russell show. Like Elz, I can smell the beer now…

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