She’s my little girl.

My kindergartner.

It’s only been a blink, a mere 6 years of flashing blue eyes and heart capturing giggles.

Her pink freckled cheeks still clinging to the softness of childhood.

Her blue eyes that still light up when Daddy walks in.

Balancing on the precipice.

She’s still my little girl.

And yet, there are moments…

Moments that stop my heart and rip the breath from my lungs.

Moments where I’m caught off guard and I catch glimpses of the woman she will become.

a moment

It’s those moments that bring me the most joy and the most pain.


  1. Do I ever see her mother in that look! Wonderful shot and I can’t help but wonder what is going through that beautiful head.

  2. Gawd, Rachel. What a beautiful picture of a beautiful little girl! Of course she’s still your baby. In thirty years she will still be.
    .-= Krissa´s most recent blog ..Hello? Is anyone still out there? =-.

  3. OH man.
    I don’t know how I’m going to deal w/having to live through this eventually. I’m going to be the mom who cries all the time about her baby growing up. LOL
    .-= Sarahndipitea´s most recent blog ..Win a Scrubs & Beyond $50 Gift Card =-.

  4. Awww!!! beautiful girl, that she is! She will always be your baby – even after 30 years! 😀
    .-= Doll Clothes Gal Pal´s most recent blog ..Bohemian Hairstyles For Your 18 Inch Dolls =-.

  5. I try to embrace it. It’s funny — my husband said something similar to 15 years ago (we met when I was 19). He said he could see the kind of woman I would become at 35, and that’s one reason he wanted to marry me. I try to look at my kids with that same philosophy … I know what I hope they will be when they are men, and when I see glimpses, I try to feel proud. (When I’m not crying:)). Ahhhh…. motherhood!
    .-= Hollee Temple´s most recent blog ..TGIFive-Bite Friday: “Almost Mother’s Day” Edition =-.

  6. you are one year ahead of me. Piper starts school Aug. 1st, and I’m already getting an anxious lump in my throat!

    Happy Mothers Day, mama!

    .-= designHer Momma´s most recent blog ..DutchTreat =-.

  7. She does look so grown up in that picture. You can just picture her as a young woman. *sniff, sniff*

    Joey put on a baseball hat the other day and just like that he looked like a teenager. ACK!
    .-= Kat´s most recent blog ..Too Good Not To Share =-.

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