Y’all, I don’t even know where to begin.
The amount of crazy that has happened over the past week… the past weekend, really.
In the span of 3 days we found a house in Katy, we rented the house and we’re moving.

We’re moving some things to that house this Friday and Saturday . On Sunday I fly to Napa for The Wine Sisterhood Gathering I come back late on the 6th, on the 8th I photograph our school’s Bunny pictures and my kids will have their last day of school.  We will move on the 11th or 12th.  I leave for BlissDom on the 20th… God Bless my husband.

This move, everything happening right now… it’s been a leap of Faith and God has been really leading this and us and showing us some amazing things already.

This morning we met one of our new neighbors, a darling woman who it turns out is the sister in law of one Princess’ favorite teachers from last year! <3

Saturday, the kids and I dropped all the other plans we had and met Nathan in Katy to look at the house. Of course, that was after Princess competed in our District UIL meet and got- SIXTH PLACE out of 39 in Ready Writing for 3rd grade!!!!!!!!  All 6 of the writers from our school placed in the top 15 in their grade!!

I’m a very proud Mama!


We left right after awards, drove the 3 hours to Katy and pulled up at the house.

I love this house y’all.  It’s on a cul-de-sac – there were kids everywhere and families out in their yards.  It has an open kitchen and an actual backyard and an OFFICE and NATURAL LIGHTING!  The windows, y’all! Windows everywhere!!!!

I’ll share more later, promise.  Y’all might actually get sick of me talking about the move and all, but y’all are NOT going to get tired of my excitement over the kitchen and the GAS RANGE and the fact that the kitchen lends itself to cooking and creativity and my mind started whirring and the creative juices flowing… so inspired by this kitchen.  It’s going to benefit y’all, I promise 🙂

See that chicken down there?

That gorgeously cooked, deliciously amazing, mouthwateringly awesome chicken down there?
Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken Legs

Well I’m not going to tell you anything about it right now.

Not because I don’t want to, but because I can’t.

It’s my video recipe for next week’s Reynolds® Real Moms Ambassador contest.  I will share it the day it goes live on their FB page and ask y’all to kindly go over there and vote for me, or whichever of us 10 finalists is your favorite 😉  {wink wink nudge nudge}

While I can’t yet share the chicken recipe.. I can tell y’all about the crazy easy and delicious corn that I paired with the chicken.

Y’all know that we love our pit and we love to grill and grilled corn is always a hit, but some of y’all are dealing with wicked snow and y’all can’t get out of your doors, much less to your grill!  Others don’t want to deal with the smoke, lighting the coals or whatever other pitfalls {see what I did there.. pit…. no? okay then…}  you see out your back door, this OVEN ROASTED corn is super easy and delicious.

All it requires is aluminum foil, butter, your favorite seasonings and your oven.

The corn pictured was seasoning free because it was Monkey’s and I sort of ate the one with seasonings on it….

I will remake it as soon as I buy some more aluminum foil!

Oven Roasted Corn

Oven roasted corn that is super easy, delicious and requires no grill at all 🙂
Print Recipe
Prep Time:5 minutes
Cook Time:40 minutes
Total Time:45 minutes


  • Aluminum foil
  • 1/2 stick of butter
  • 4 ears of corn
  • seasoning blend


  • Tear off 4 sheets of aluminum foil - about 12" long each
  • Rub butter all over each ear of corn
  • Sprinkle with seasonings - the kids love sugar and cinnamon, Nate and I love a spicy mix and a good garlic, rosemary and thyme with pepper is always a winner
  • Wrap the corn in the foil, pop in the oven and cook for 40 minutes - turning 1/4 turn every 10 minutes.
  • BOOM - oven roasted corn that is crispy, juicy and bursting with flavor.


This is more a how to, than a real recipe. We change this up all the time and it never fails to yield mouthwatering results!
Servings: 4 ears
Author: Rachel


What’s your favorite way to cook corn?  Your favorite way to season it, cook it?


  1. You are going to love cooking on the gas range. I cringe any time. I have to cook on electric.

    As for corn? I shuck it, rub it with tons of butter, sprinkle steak seasoning on it and wrap it in 3 layers of foil. Then it goes on a medium-high heat propane grill for 30 minutes. It comes out juicy, warm and perfectly seasoned.

  2. I am sooooo excited for you to be my new neighbor!!! Have I mentioned that yet? Hee her. I know how hard moving is…starting over in a new city, but I will help you with anything you need and I think you will love our little suburb. And maybe you can teach me to cook a little? LOL Cuz I’m terrible.

  3. ahhh…I wish I had fresh corn to try this out! It sounds so delicious! I’ve never heard of cinnamon & sugar on corn before, kind of interesting & that’ll have to be something to try out as well.

  4. Congrats on the new home. The pictures look lovely. I’ll pray everything goes well for all of you the next few weeks. We switched back to a gas range with our move last year, and that alone was almost worth a move. Okay, that’s not completely true given that it’s a move we’re talking about, but it is definitely a perk. 😉

  5. That chicken and corn looks so good! And your move reminds me so much of what I went through when we moved to Ohio- I was in a wedding in Chicago literally the day before we moved! We went from hotel to moving house to craziness but in all the chaos, it all fell into place. It’s amazing how your mind and body just kicks in and works it all out. Soon you’ll be looking back and thinking WOW we did it! 🙂 And congrats! This is an exciting time!


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