There’s this girl.

Her name is Casey.

I love her.

I love that she rocks a mic and cowgirl boots

casey karaoke blissdom 2009

casey karaoke

I love that she is a hot little Colts fan and that she remembers that my husband is and brings him Colts Gear.

Colts Fan Casey

I love that she can apparently levitate.

(she is made of awesome)

Mooshinindy gets DOWN

I love, that Casey is pregnant!!!!!

I love, that Casey is the kind of person who has a friend like Emily, who will set up an online love bomb baby festival of fabulousness for many of Casey’s friends to share their love for Casey through blog posts and other goodies.

But, most of all —


I love that you’re in my life.

The gift of your friendship, is beyond rubies.

I. Love. You.

To the moon and beyond


p.s.ย  i love you

#mozzi ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. i love that Casey, too.. and I love that you love her so much that you would write a whole blog post dedicated to displaying her incredible awesomeness ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for your enthusiastic devotion to her so I can gush in the comment section!

  2. Aww, I LOVE YOU.

    To the non existent planet of Pluto and back.

    I win. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I also love that you’re the one who caught me levitating and I don’t even mind that my butt is clenched in a downward V, because that night? Was fun.

    To think, we bonded over sex toys…

    Thank you my love.

    Thank you.


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