700, Seven Hundred, 7-0-0! Unfortunately that is not what I won in Vegas, let’s say I broke even, K. That is the number of unread posts in my reader. Y’all, I love ya but hell no.

The following post has been written during a period of sheer exhaustion. It is probably not coherent, definitely not punctually correct and possibly might make no sense at all. Please bear with me. At last I gave y’all pictures to look at.

While I was having a fabulously over oxygenated time in Las Vegas, my darling adorable hubby took vacation and stayed home with the kids. Yes he rocks and Yes I’m blessed and I know it. My husband is absolutely amazing. I knew he could do it, but he did an even more stellar job than I expected. He handled the daddy challenge like a pro. Every day I got an e-mail from Princess which she dictated and he typed and sent via Blackberry/Strawberry communications. So cute! I melted a bit with each one. Holly, he rocked, which is the rookie mistake. My house was spotless, the laundry was done, he took the kids on two ‘field trips’ one to The Aquarium and one to Mr. Gatti’s. They were dressed in cute clean clothes, they were well rested and well behaved. Total Rookie Mistake dude. I now know that you can handle the kids all by yourself!! Ha!! It’s on now dude. BlogHer’09, Here I come!

So… Vegas. What can I say about Vegas? It rocked my world.
Zumanity.. holy hell y’all. Sensual, Sexual, titillating, gorgeous, amazing, out of this world.

Our hotel, The Excalibur, Meh. Slowest cocktail waitresses on the planet and we had to school them on what a ‘dressed beer’ is.
Seriously y’all, I know this isn’t just a Texas thing. Do y’all know how to dress a beer?

Vegas ~ Where Fanny Packs and Spandex are haute couture.

Mimosas anyone?

Gratuitous Tourist Shot

How Could I resist a Monkey Slot Machine

On the elevator at 4:30 AM, we had to get up at 6:30 AM to be at the airport to catch our flights.

We could have carried our clothes home in the bags under our eyes.

Dolly That not so little storm that is currently, rapidly growing into a Category 2, possibly Category 3 Hurricane is heading rapidly towards my home. Scheduled to hit late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning around the Brownsville/ Corpus area. Did ya catch that? Corpus Christi, that place I live. Well shoot.

I’m not actually at home in Corpus right now. Because I am insane I jumped in my car with the kids Sunday and drove to Aggieland just for fun and to visit the family. Today I find out about Dolly. Needless to say, our trip is now being extended until we see what Dolly is going to do.
Please pray.
Because of the nature of Nathan’s job, he cannot leave. He’s one of the last able to evacuate if evacuation occurs. Please pray for everyone who is about to be affected by this storm.
I’ll keep y’all updated when I can.

Oh yes. Thank you to my fabulous Blogsitters! I love y’all. You took such good care of the place, and you even took out the trash. Y’all rock!

I know most of this was incoherent, I am exhausted and still suffering from sleep deprivation. I will bring back Mouthwatering Mondays next week. Sorry y’all.


  1. It sounds like you had a great trip and that your husband did a great job so there will be more getaways in the future.

    Did you get in trouble for taking photos inside the casino?

    Btw, i thought your post was perfectly coherent.

  2. Oh I love Vegas! So glad you had a good time. Next time I go, I plan on seeing Zumanity too. I hear it’s incredible!

  3. So glad you made it back safely. I laughed at your hubs rookie mistake. Mine would do that, and then tell me how easy my job was – what am I complaining about??

    I thought of you this morning when they were talking about Dolly. I’m glad you decided to get somewhere safer, too bad your hubs couldn’t go, too. I’ll be praying for safety for him and everyone there in CC.

  4. Sounds like so much fun and yep, I’m even more jealous now! I’m cracking up at the rookie mistake. Now I think you need a weekend in Dallas. πŸ˜‰

    I thought of you when I saw where Dolly was headed. Stay safe!

  5. Looks like you had a great time!

    And, I’m super impressed with your hubby’s “daddy time.” Clean, cute clothes? That’s an oxymoron here!

    I hope Dolly is a dud!

  6. Looks like a really fun trip!

    I hope Dolly fizzles.

    Dressed beer? Help me out here, sounds like something I’d like.

  7. I expect a similar post from you next year – after BLOGHER!! You were the main thing missing from our crew! πŸ™‚

  8. YEA for your awesome trip!! Hopefully Dolly won’t be too bad, I will definitely keep your hubs in my prayers. And if you want to meet up on your return trip from Aggieland…

  9. So much info in one post!

    Yay for having a fabulous time AND a fabulous hubby! Woot woot!

    700 unread posts! ACK!!!!

    Scary storm. I’ll say my prayers!

  10. Yay.

    He can sooooooo handle them for four days while you are at BlogHer 09 with me. For sure.

    High five to the hubby!

  11. I think the storm is heading further south. Last I saw they project it would hit south of Brownsville. And, the dude reporting for CNN? Totally was doing the beach thing at Padre. I’m sorry my post drew such little love. It saddened me. Stay tight in College Station. It’s a good place to be. So glad hubby did good. I’m calling you tomorrow to check in. I almost did today to see where you were.

  12. Looks like you had a rockin time in Vegas! (Oh wait ‘scuse me a sec, I just need to grab my checklist for Blogher 09 for a sec… *scratches fanny pack and spandex off*)

    Blogher 09! You better believe it!!!

  13. Wow! I waa waa. I wanna go to Vegas. How fun! Sorry, don’t know “Dressed Beer”. Can you educate, please?

    Kudos to your husband, and poor him now that the cat’s outta the bag! πŸ˜‰

    BTW, it was really good to hear from you!

  14. Woohoo Vegas! LOVE that place. Even got hitched there πŸ˜‰ But gambling? Yea, I never win, so I give up trying.

    Sounds like you had a great time. Love the pics.

    Hope everyone stays safe.

  15. I can so relate to your anxiety about Dolly. Living on the Florida Gulf Coast I’ve evacated from my share of storms too. Good luck and I hope it downgrades before making landfall. Stay safe.

    Sound like Vegas was a blast though. Fun photos. Dressing a beer? No clue.

  16. It sounds like you had a great time!!!! I am so jealous and cannot wait to get to Vegas this November!!!

  17. Another Texas mama Blogger. I’m so glad I found your site πŸ˜‰

    I was just in Vegas too….sounds like you had a muuuch better time than I…bwaahahaa!

  18. Amazingly enough, we stayed at MGM Grand, not a hokey pokey hole in the wall. Bet yer bottom dollar I won’t stay there again πŸ˜‰
    We wanted to see Zumanity but saw Mystere instead. THAT was great.
    Happy 7th to you, as well!!!

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