2 Weeks in to Project 365 for 2013.

We’re spending most of our days in the hospital with Gran, so the majority of my pictures are iPhone pics of life at the hospital and in the family lounge.

Project 365, Week 2


Day 8.  Waiting and Watching

Day 9. Cullen Sticker on a car in Victoria

Day 10.  Abandoned

Day 11.  Holding On

Day 12. Raise Your Words… edited an old picture with a quote that spoke to my heart

Day 13.  Waiting Room Antics with Cousin Trevor

Day 14.  Homework

Week One


  1. Thinking of u and remembering sitting with my parents during their final days. I prayed for an easy and painless transition to their next destination and prayed they would watch over my son and come get me when it is my turn to go home.

  2. So sorry to hear the news your Gran has been ill. It’s never easy and know your whole family is sad. Praying for Gran, you and family…

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