Project 365 Week 1


I’m going to attempt Project 365 for 2013.

Maybe year 3 will be the lucky one 🙂

One picture a day for 365 days.

The best camera I have, is the one in my hands.. so some will be canon, some will be iPhone, some may be with Princess’ Nikon.. who knows.

1/1/13 – Miss Isla at 1 AM on New Years Day

1/2/13 – Cornbread Fixins

1/3/13 – What Would Yoda Do

1/4/13 – Roasted Poblano Peppers for White Turkey Chili

1/5/13 – Plate Lickin’ Good

1/6/13 – My New Year’s Quote

1/7/13 – Enough – my Lisa Lehmann bracelet


  1. Brilliant idea! A fun way to do throughout the year. To see the beauty in anything everyday is a gift. Goodluck Rachel! Did you upload all of it raw or manipulated?

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