1. OK that right there is the AWESOME! How cool that you were able to pass down your costume to your sweet kids.

    Love it!!! This is a treasure.

    p.s. love Princess’s fabulous tutut

  2. LOVE IT!! Love that your dad was able to find that picture of you and now your children are wearing the same costume. Thanks so much for sharing your pics – made me a little weepy for my childhood.
    .-= Maria @BOREDmommy´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – 51 DAYS =-.

  3. That’s awesome… especially finding that photo of it being your old costume. That’s such a rare find! =)
    .-= WackyMummy´s last blog ..I Blame Pigs In Space =-.

  4. I wish I had an awesome costume like that to pass along. Mine were all lame 🙁 I did pass down my daughter’s monkey costume that she wore 2 Halloweens ago to my son, who wore it this year…and hated it!!

  5. Aw. I just love your photo and the costume. What a wonderful tradition you have.
    I was a clown as well for HAlloween when I was 5 🙂
    Clowns never go out of style!
    .-= Momisodes´s last blog ..Because I can’t live in a bubble =-.

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